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 Aug 2018 bri
 Aug 2018 bri
fragile as an egg
I crack my skull over the page
and astral project my discontent
in order to witness my disconnect

the black oozes out
and takes its sweet time
to reach for the sheets
of paper to rhyme
my disillusionment
with suffering not mine
it speaks to me
all of the time

grasping the page
black eases in
to fill the void again
in vain attempt to connect
the patterns perceived
by my hand-selected memories

filed all orderly
they spill out in a heap
and soak in paper-deep
it's not enough
and it will never be enough
but blood must be spilled
in order to keep
my gods alive

they wane with the tides
sanguine and weak
I give all I have
but it rarely seems
to have an effect other than
a brief reprieve
for myself
it doesn't help
or decrease
their suffering...

so I weave words together
to spellbind the weather
from washing away
all I've worked to achieve
and perceive with augury
and sorcery and poetry
all scratched in the earth
so the world might hear me

vocalizations and invocations
fail to sway the rocks--
stone-faced, anthropomorphic rocks
--that just stare at me
secretly laughing
they're happy
their suffering

my gods are dying!
and I'm trying
to find a cure
but it isn't working
and more and more
I'm sure that

a congregation of one is not enough
Is it all in my mind, or have I seen too much?
 Aug 2018 bri
Phasma de Oceanus
I take everything to heart,
So watch what you say.
It'll run through my head
And bounce around my brain.

I don't know if it's the hormones,
Or my talent of overthinking,
But something isn't right in me.
I feel like I'm sinking.

I'll take everything to heart,
Even if you don't mean it that way.
I'll let it settle within my ears,
Make me sick to my chest all day.
 Aug 2018 bri
Ariana Bagley
you told me
“I promise I won’t ever hurt you”
we were laying in my bed
I looked at you
in your deep brown eyes
and convinced myself you wouldn’t
now I’m laying in the same place
as my brown eyes fill with tears
convincing myself that my heart might never heal
all because of one broken promise
august 20, 2018 (10:38 PM)
 Jul 2018 bri
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Jul 2018 bri
Kyle Dal Santo
Let the record stand I wanted only happiness.
I dreamed of a job I could enjoy
A lovely woman to warm my bed and heart
And a circle of family and friends to laugh and confide with
THAT IS ******* IT
And every time I had even a taste of that life
Or even one of those wishes
I was set
I was happier than the richest of the rich
And every time I felt complete
Something was taken from me
Something was ripped from my grasp
And in front of my face
It was dragged away
I dare anyone call me bitter, or selfish
After everything that’s happened
Call me petty
Call me ungrateful
(If I’m selfish, what does that make you?)
I assure you, I don’t enjoy hating myself
There is some evil I deserve I’m sure, but this is ridiculous
Lucky for me, I’m running out of things to lose
The more I try to do things right,
The more they go wrong
I know I’m to blame for most of my setbacks
But I’ll be god ****** if you try to tell me
It’s my fault every time life threw me a pile of ****
And dares me to walk through it
There’s no way you can say every hardship
Every godlike punishment
Every painful wild card
Can somehow be traced to something I did, or didn’t do
I ain’t buying it
And I’ll be god ******
If I’m gonna beg for anyone else’s attention or love again
I just don’t have it in me anymore
Why is every choice I make the wrong one?
If I seem distant
It’s because too much has been pulled from me
By too many who didn’t deserve or appreciate it
What’s left is hidden deep
Locked far, far away.
In fact I’ve hidden it so well
I forgot where I put it
I’d love to shake this angst away
But I’m afraid if I pulled it off now
My skin would go with it
It is what it is, loneliness is a *******
It’s getting harder and harder to hide it
Tell me I’m not lonely, and I’ll tell you a better lie
(Tell me it gets better, even if it is a lie)
Kyle D.
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