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The poet frames the void.
The critic voids the frame.
And the psychologist Freuds the blame?
After the casseroles from anxious neighbors
And the flowers stopped arriving
And a last aging aunt blubbered goodbye,
I left the silent house,
Drove to the foothills
And began to climb.
Atop your favorite peak,
I opened the urn
And gave your ashes to the sky.
Will I ever stop wondering where you’ve gone?
The light was changing
As I descended into
The mountain's immense shadow.
Thanks for hanging with me on these sky poems...have almost exhausted all possible reasons for looking skyward.
With the art of art her image was tattooed on his heart
Tough times of times, waiting the bell of hope's chimes
A year in years the poor soul was reduced to tears
Drunk beers and beers repelling loneliness amidst his peers
Height after height albeit gained he might
Rather than light and lighter heavier felt his plight
Where lay romantic words and words was a mound of shards
Once beautiful ballades and ballads,melancholic songs of birds
Lips once wet and wet from kisses of love dried with hate
But date after date he conceded all were a Heartbreak too late
For he made friend and friend but all loves did end
Desire a trend and fire to fend but he could no longer bend
Tale after tale he finally saw life was no fairytale
And hail and hail though World could be heaven, his was a hell
A lesson learnt and learnt after he'd touched and burnt
He swore and swore upon his big Heart she tore
No matter the want for ****, he'd keep his **** in his pant
Which was woe and war,he'd later admit all's fair in love and war
There ain't nothing new
About the way my heart beat
Corresponds with the
Throbbing below my waist.

I can always sense fear,
I can always taste danger.
But something about you is
Sweet and saccharine.

Undoubtedly irresistible.

And because of that, for once
I don't smell death or horror.
I see a love fueled lust in the pit
Of darkness and
An all consuming desire for the
Flavors of happiness.

And this desire just burns so well.
 Nov 2015 Nico Allentine
what have you done to me.
i let you undress me with your eyes,
slowly and reassuringly.
and then aggressively with your hands,
undoing the buttons on my shirt
and unzipping my jeans
nearly ripping the fabric right from under me.

pulling me across the bed
breathing heavily into my ear,
i'm remembering why
i ever called you mine in the first place.
we decorated these walls with our fingerprints
and they remain as memories of every time we've touched.

now why you?
is it your scent, is it your skin?
the way the marks you leave on my stomach
feel like you every time i touch them?
its you that i want, its you that keeps me here
when i should be with whom i claim to love.

when you were mine,
it was a perfect dream,
we ran through the war with not a scratch
not a dent in our skin.
we got out of the mess,
accompanying each other through the storm.

I should have let you sit in the driveway,
I should have never let you walk through the front door.
Why couldn't you have left me alone in this room
without your taunting glares
begging for the affection i crave so much.

I swore i wouldn't do this.
I swore i wouldn't kiss your neck again,
i swore i wouldn't make you want me.

but I gave in.
so here you are
once again.
you're lying on my bed,
and i'm on top of you.
I have always hid behind locked doors. Learned how to bathe in the darkness, how to love when you could not see the other person you were letting infiltrate your very being. I grew in the closet swallowing who I was forcing the truth to be hidden behind the doors and in the darkness with me. As I grew up this closet I lived in started to lighten up there were window where black holes use to be and the monsters that lived within began to form into my best friends .
I have always hid behind closed doors chanted that who I was could never be. I had become the lies I was told. I always hid behind closed doors and bathed in the darkest parts of hell where no one looked to find me.
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