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one of my favorite songs
is the one where
my heart beats faster
when i make you smile

taking off my vest and
while they're opening up my chest
I have a few moments to spare,

if they're looking for my heart
they'll find **** all there
'cepting an IOU
and that's from you know who.

life is a theatre whether operating or not
and I've got some shares in the company.
My mother she was one with palms pressed
                                                Asking for help..
Help to feed us,
Help to keep her afloat.

You listened, wait what was that?
                                     you didn't...
Na you played her, used her trust
in you like a torment, she looked to
the heavens and all you gave was hell..

Men were  less than what she saw,
but always too late.
            Married in your place
                                         of every prayer.
But you just kept knocking her down there.

Last time I went to church was
                    because there was free chocolate.
You see with me, my mother grasped  at
straws. She went from one form of you
to another like a ****** clinging to a new fix.

But you were just like before, same old ****,
                 different day...
I knew long before you weren't one to be trusted?
Why you ask? Because there where ones before you..
                      I read your book in the fantasy section.
This thing needed a
                           Parental Guidance Sticker.

Some contorted morals, thrown in with what
                  can be only described as a  WFT's.
I knew that those at these places of worship
                   peddling there own version of this god..
Didn't believe there own words, so why the hell
would I be gullible enough to be a sheep in there world.

The last time I went to church,
                                         was for free chocolate.
                                    The last time she went was in a coffin..
Slam poetry
if ‘i love you’
was a promise
we’d start a revolution
no, it isn’t love
at first sight
its you, and me, and us
would you break the trust
if you’re honest?
i’d be lying if i said
i’ve truly loved before
because the lips are too weak
to tell the truth
My sister had a very
disappointing relationship
with our father
growing up
and always

she got her wings
as part of a rather large
tribe that know this song
and has done her very best
to carry on being
disappointed with men
along the way-

she has said to me

I’m not remotely like
the characters she rails against
and I tell her so.
it just happens that
the ones she finds
sure seem to be that way-
I have to give her mad props
for her picker:
exquisitely fine tuned.

She gives me **** about
my stuff too, as she should
calls deep into my darkness
to the lie that I have grown to believe
the one that has led me to adopt
the dance of the meadowlark
so long that I have forgotten it
was a tool, a ruse,
a survival technique and not
really who I am

dancing in a pointless circle
with a wing that appears to be broken
luring no one in particular
away from the meat and substance
the overflowing bleeding heart
the tears and mostly the rage
and fire
and creativity
that is really me.

We are old now
and apparently successful in our delusions
but not really quite so
because we were born to be just smart
to nibble away at the edges
and want to put on the shining suit
of light
with wings that really work
with eyes that choose to see
with hands that will touch
everything, all at once
and rejoice

now it is time to eat lunch
I wonder what she is up to
there are small things I must be about
and in the background
and yearning
the open blackness that means
another dimension is nearly here
waiting to be born
Only I have words left
I will come again to this world...right now ... I am completely in messed up state of a broken brain
I am starving, my voice is low now
Even I can't say...I am in locked doors...only I see a sun for few minutes rest time I sleep just for another possibilities
Under the imagination
Darkness kissed

I will let you know everything...
when the right time strike my brain fusion of supernova...
I will be out from my own Bermuda triangle

I am sinking in bottomless abyss
I will let you know...once I know,I don't know,where should I go,three roads diverged in the foresty woods...and I thought of going in one lane, but I reverse back with fear...and that was a wrong turn

Imagination of darkness
Kissed with lights out
Even the dreams
Walking away
Like a electrons in outmost shells
With zero affinity
Floating freeless
Under zero gravity
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