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Every one wishes for a happy new year,
Not without a feeling of lurking fear:
The reason is simple and clear:
The voice of reason very few hear
In the prevailing intolerant atmosphere -
Selfishness, greed, misery,starvation
And heinous crimes in the name of religion!
May the new year end this monstrous trend
And herald a new era of love and compassion
Through the right kind of liberal education.
                           M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
* April 8, 2016 (Ugaadi) and April 15,2016 (1st Baisakh, in
Bengal) mark the beginning of a new year according to the Hindu calendar.
Dive into the dark depths
Of the unfathomable sea                                                                        Of the baffling human mind:
Explore the concealed layers
From its surface, ever active and restless:
Slowly sink into the sub-conscious
And the more powerful unconscious mind
That regulates vital functions ceaselessly,
Remaining silent and invisible, all the while.
  Move deeper until you reach the source
    Of life's perennial spring,
    Flowing from your innermost being
    Into the boundless Universe, ever expanding,
    Beyond the confines of the sensuous mind.
    When this inward journey, spiritual,
     Brings insight into the subtle working
     Of the hidden mind, you emerge wiser
     And  stronger than ever before
     To weather the storms of life, ephemeral,
     And realize man's fervent prayer  -
    "Lead us from Darkness to Light" -
     "Thamasoma jyothirgamaya"
     The ultimate aim of all mankind.
**       M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
* In order to achieve this, one should strive to discipline  one's body, mind and intellect and attain tranquility and poise. All religions suggest practical methods. In Indian philosophy,
Patanjali's  "Ashtaanga Yoga" is very well known.
Eager to offer obeisance
To their  heavenly preceptor Prajapati,
Gods, demons and humans,
His triple progeny and disciples,
Bowed before him with reverence,
Seeking his parting advice and guidance.
Pleased with their faith and devotion,
The divine teacher called them by turns
And uttered "Da"  - a lone syllable;
Paused for a while
And asked the gods
To explain its significance.
"Great Sire, you say - subdue yourselves."
In a flash, the gods realized
Their powers needed great restraint.
"You advise compassion," said the demons,
Conscious of their nature, too cruel.
"It denotes - give, share your wealth" -
The humans said, for they knew
They were avaricious.
Though the same syllable all had heard,
In different ways, they thought and felt,
In tune with their innate traits
And the master said they were right.
"Da, Da, Da," - the voice of Thunder
Exhorts the world even now,
Be generous, merciful and self-restrained -
To ensure happiness for all mankind.
          *       *    M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
Copyright: MGN (author)
* This inspiring moral tale is based on the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad (5 section II). Da, Da,Da - Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata (Samskrit) -Give, Sympathize, Have self-control.
On the glowing American horizon,  
Dawns a new era of hope and communion.
Obama, the leader America was waiting for,
Emerges from the masses, a rising star.
Breaking the barriers of religion and race,
Obama smiles, with confidence and grace,
"Change has come to America" he declares!
Recalls Lincoln, Kennedy and Dr.King,
As millions of Americans dance and sing.
Elegant orator, par excellence,
Promises equality, justice and strong defence,
And measures to crush agents of violence,
Defeat terrorists and their evil designs;
Shares India's desire to isolate centres of crime.
Facing  challenging tasks at this crucial time -
Violent conflicts, failing Banks and economic trends,
He seeks the goodwill and support of all nations,
Treating them as partners and trusted friends.
'OBAMA' now personifies "YES, WE CAN" -
Our youthful world's best slogan!
Now is the time for all statesmen to join hands
And say "YES, WE WILL" and hail the brave new icon!
                         *       *      **  Narasimha Murthy, M.G.
Hyderabad, India.                       
*Taken from the collection of my poems "The Blissful Dawn and Other Poems". After listening to his brilliant, victory speech in November 2008, I wrote this small poem, a tribute to President Obama and the American people who elected him, a tribute to democracy. Narasimha Murthy, M.G.
Senses, vibrant and restless,
Drive into the depths
Of human consciousness,
Myriads of subtle impressions
And kaleidoscopic images,
While memory, ever alert and mercurial,
Recalls every relevant experience
For guidance in changing situations,
Giving rise to thoughts and impulses
That result in action and reaction.
To keep the mind well balanced
In life's daily toil and turmoil,
Intellect strives to harmonize
Conflicting thoughts and emotions,
Focussing them on a single aim,
To still the mind and bring calmness
To unravel the mystery of existence
And sages call this meditation.
            ***  M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
Mahatma Gandhi  
Young visitors in a gallery,
Stood before a portrait of Gandhiji,
Charmed by his toothless smile,
Eyes sparkling through glasses round
And an old watch dangling from his waist,
With his chest bare and a **** cloth
Covering his lean , frail frame.
While they wondered how the good old man
Could shake the mighty British empire
And fight without weapons of destruction,
They were thrilled to behold a vision rare -
The smiling  Gandhi emerged from the frame,
Saying that his weapons were invisible,
Yet, they could vanquish the most powerful
Without hatred and shedding no blood!
His loving voice and childlike smile
Combined with an unbending will,
Wielding the power of truth and nonviolence
Could conquer his mighty ruthless foes
And turn them into everloving friends!.
Feeling amazed, the visitors stared
At the Mahatma moving back into the frame;
Begged him to remain and lead them again.
"My countrymen," he said "seem to have forgotten,
" The bloodshed and horror of partition.
"Terrorists and fanatics **** and burn
" And innocent victims feel miserable and forlorn.
"Twice a year, on my 'samaadhi', flowers are strewn,
" While helpless millions struggle and groan.
"In these days of endless greed and senseless crime, "
"Guided missiles and misguided men,
" My words seem to have no relevance,
"Yet, if they listen to their own conscience,
" Give up greed and serve with compassion,
"The India of my dreams will arrive soon."
Sad and surprised, the visitors stared:
Though the figure vanished, his words inspired
And they resolved to follow his noble ways
And strive for the welfare of all mankind.
                  ***  M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 Jan 1948. A memorable tribute came from Albert Einstein: "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a man as this ever in flesh and blood  walked upon this earth."
"What aa piece of work is man!;
" How noble in reason!...." exclaims Hamlet,
As there was a mistake in the second line, it is repeated here, after adding the preposition "in". I request the readers to excuse me.  M.G.Narasimha Murthy.
Hyderabad, India.     mgnmurthy4@gmail. com
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