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I understand why light bends, and why the skies are blue
But I can't possibly understand what it's like to be you
I understand how photons, are both particle and wave
but I have no idea, about the way females behave
Understanding science is as easy as three point one four
but the human brain is complicated and oh so much, much more.

Yet understanding you is so much more vital
than understanding DNA's full title
I understand the physics,
behind rudimentary time travel
But I don't understand why
when your around, my words they do unravel

But I feel you understand me,
and I can't return the favour.
Yet at least I understand poetry,
it's been a real life saver.
I liked that you liked my poetry, true.
But I didn't write poems to impress you.
I wrote because of what you made me feel
I wrote so I could remember it was real
I wrote because the emotion was too great
So I still write even though I'm too late
I can't change your mind
not with my words, no matter how kind.
But I still write, because I still must
because I still feel, though all is dust.
I also made you a promise, one I intend to keep
and so this poem you're reading now, is what my heart does weep.
Write me a song
And I'll fall
In love.
With every
Every breath
Every note.
Play me a rhythm
And I'll
Dance along
To every beat
Every drop
Every strum.
Write me a love story
And I'll fall
In love
With every lie.
And yeah the *** might burn on it's way down
but it burns the voice I'm trying to drown.
It's Christmas Eve, pour me another drink,
quickly before my mind starts to think.
Maybe after one more round I won't feel the same,
maybe after the third I'll forget your name.
Looks like I'm spending Christmas with three empty bottles of *** and a hang over
So what was your first impression?
hesitant sigh
"He was a nice enough guy, seemed genuine it's felt too polite, like he was running a script of all the right things to say. He came off as easygoing but inside it felt like he was on 10  - there was a frenetic energy around his brain you know?..and internal grind..and it's not bad or good it's just
oh sweety he's got some stuff goin on."

I raised my brow and nodded in reluctant agreement.

There's a certain kind of heartache that comes when you glimpse into someone's private suffering. When you have fallen for their act that carries them through the real world. A solid oak turned out to be a scared shaky leaf.
You have her, with her gorgeous smile
all I have, is denial.
You have her, with her enticing laugh
I haven't a heart, not even a half.
You have her, with her angelic voice
I haven't even got a choice.
You have her, she's perfect, it's true
and she doesn't want me, cause she's got you.
So she's left me, with a terrible curse
because she still inspires, my poetic verse.
You have her, so ****, so hot
and me? Well poetry is all I've got.
Seriously? It's not bad enough that I hate you for all you've done, now I dream of you doing it again?
My father wears
leather work boots
they are tough and worn
with thick but thinning soles

My father has
calloused hands
they are thick and strong
from years of work and guitar

My father plays
an old guitar
it's beautiful and cracked
and comes to life at his touch

My father has
a big heart
as worn as his boots
strong as his hands
and more beautiful than his old guitar
There she was
An angel in beautiful words
Words found only in his dreams
In those hidden corners of lubriciousness
Musky shadows muted the sunniest of days
Like-minds grazed in intensity
And from those shadows rose her sun
Resplendent and bold
Illuminating every nook and cranny as she passed
There is no judgement as he reads
Those possibilities in her beautiful words
Could it be, there is another...kindred

But no, doubt fills a mind wrapped in norms and raised in terms of proper
Curiosity begs the question
Her truth answers his innermost lies
Looking for justification, a way out
Raised believing, too good to be true always is
Looking for a way to feed doubt and squelch a fledgling reality
Yet found his fantasies in this angel
With a face that made them real

What do you do when your demons become human
When your shame is no longer shameful
When you are accepted as you are, in all your seeming depravity
When your darkest yearnings are craved by another wading in the pool of lasciviousness
When your concupidity is realized

Crossing the line dragging fantasy into daylight
Holding on with both hands basking in the sun
There is a sweetness in this angel with beautiful words
A loving nature, a truth that cannot lie
And there is a gentleness in his heart that he cannot reconcile with darkest passion
So, what do you do with a dream come true?

You walk away into the norm and leave the joy to burn in her sun
Pretending her sweetness feels no pain
Hoping against hope, that her reality was never your dream
Need help naming this one. Any and all suggestions appreciated :)

You guys are awesome. Between the fabulous suggestions here, in messages and on fb i have settled on a mix of suggestions. Thanks and hugs to you all. Let me know what you think ;)
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