I write about you not because i miss you,
But because you are one of the best lessons I've ever learned.
I just want to clear the air,
I don't need you.
I dont want you.
You've done your job,
You left your mark,
Now leave me in peace.
Just because you cross my mind every so often,
Doesnt mean much.
We all have those days,
When things come back into play in our minds.
It's just to remind us where we once were.
To remind us where we started,
Where we started to let our minds be beautiful,
Beautiful as the heart of the ones who love in a cruel world.
I don't write about you because i miss you.
I write about you to tell the world that it's okay.
It's okay to love, trust, and get hurt,
and it's okay to keep loving, and to keep trusting.