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ana Jun 2017
I blossomed
a beautiful rose
but life plucked me from my roots and I began to slowly wither away
and sulk
and droop
as my once thriving red petals turned brown and brittle,
began falling from my center.
ana Jun 2017
You are the most poetic thing this universe has spit out from almost nothing, my love.
It's not you that is poetic but it's everything that makes you, you.
ana Jun 2017
I'm in the middle of no where
surrounded by water
I'm empty, staying afloat
with every passing wave my heart grows heavy
I can see my consciousness drift from me
the waves carrying it to a lost island
my heart weighs me down until i am completely engulfed into the darkness of the sea
i see no light

I am pulled down, my arms reaching for air
but my heart grows heavier and I sink faster with my consciousness above me
my lungs fill with water
my eyes fall shut
i hit bottom
there is no light

— The End —