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 Aug 2015 Morgan
A Wegner
 Aug 2015 Morgan
A Wegner
I want you to want me
I understand if you don't,
For I am broken.
I'm not saying I'm out of the ordinary
Secretly everyone wants that, no
I am broken, so
Quickly return me
Whilst the receipt is still valid
Not that I
Will ever foolishly be sold,
For I am broken.
 Dec 2014 Morgan
On Letting Go
 Dec 2014 Morgan
Like a young child losing grip of his balloon,
I let go

I wonder if the child was sad as they watched their favorite balloon,



I wonder what the child had done to get the balloon
Oh, what excitement it must have been
Now just a forever memory
I released everything
All the emotions I had felt began to escape into the sunny sky
forever being a memory

I slowly started losing touch,
but quickly realizied I had never even touched
 May 2014 Morgan
 May 2014 Morgan
Okay so maybe I had a crush on you
Maybe I kinda liked you
Maybe I saw you and
I dreamt of you
And you made me smile
I guess I still haven't gotten over you?
I kind of have to,
And not besides the obvious reasons,
But because you like someone else
I guess I just admitted it to myself
No I'm not telling you.
 May 2014 Morgan
Repeat After Me
 May 2014 Morgan
your worth, it is nothing
you are nothing
you are nothing comparable
how can someone be compared?
you are unique to the highest degree
there is no definition for your beauty because your looks are more than a couple sentences
not only your looks
but you
look at you
look at you on the inside
do you see all the power you possess?
from every weakness you may have
to every strength you have
from every acne scar
to every single muscle which may or may not be defined
you are powerful in every sense of the word
you are powerful because you are human
you are powerful because you were made to be great
you are powerful
you are dynamic
you are wonderous
you are absolutely extraordinary
you are a story that I would love to read
you are more than how you view yourself because I view you as heavenly
you are absolutely breathtaking.

repeat after me,

I am absolutely breathtaking
I am absolutely breathtaking
I AM absolutely breathtaking

you are...
                    a million things that cannot be put into words.
A reminder to everyone, boy and/or girl. You are heavenly. I view you as such. You should too. Look in the mirror every single morning and remind yourself of that.
 May 2014 Morgan
Call Me Sara
Our Heart Is Who We Are,
The Fear and Hope and Faith,
The Heart Is Our Identity,
Our Personality,
Our Heart Is the Beauty,
The Prettiness Within,
Our Heart Is the Depth,
The Secrets Kept In.
 May 2014 Morgan
I still miss
the first boy
that I really
none of
you know
cause I'll never
tell a soul

do you believe
in distance?
inches and miles
are just fiction
we are together
it's a kind of
covalent bond

I still miss
that entire summer
the love and
the inevitable
heartbreak in the end
nobody knows
cause I'll never
tell a soul

do you believe
in distance?
inches and miles
are just fiction
we are together
it's a kind of
covalent bond
An electro feel type of song I wrote a while back. :)
 May 2014 Morgan
insidious newsfeed.
apathetic "like"  
(I guess they're getting married.)
assessing my worth
'friend' counts and Klout scores.
modify your post to be pleasant,
as to 'dislike' something
deems it unworthy of notice.

"Just got arrested, #lol-- free breakfast."
We are becoming a collective
of aging selfies and
isolated narcissists.

dissociative culture.
I am desensitized to my own
most precious moments
and have condensed their value
into how many people
care enough to click a button.

blending into the numbers
we are in the back seat of our own lives
and our weekly web-content
is drunk behind the wheel.

You don't need a machine
or the internet
to tell you
you're anything less
than beautiful
and a star,
inside and

 Apr 2014 Morgan
Juniper Deel
 Apr 2014 Morgan
Juniper Deel
This is my life...
I hate that I'm not seeing more.
I hate that I'm not experiencing more.
I feel like I am wasting my life away
Into nothing.

And I hate that everyday
I'm held prisoner inside a government funded, cold brick building with people who drive me mad.
It only leaves me craving **more
I feel like I'm waisting my life away and it scares me that I won't do anything amazing
 Apr 2014 Morgan
Andrew Durst
If I give to you
what you've
given to me.
Then we
would be
in eternity.

To live forever
is nothing more
than a curse.
and to live forever
without you
would be
so much worse.
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