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Monique Isom May 2015
I stood there, as the weeds of misfortune dawned upon me
I stood there, strong as a tree, yet fragile as a leaf
and I waited and waited for the rain to stop
and the sun to come out
oh, that blissful hope I yearned for so
but the roots of hope that were so deeply embedded into the ground
slowly began to part with their foundation
I drifted into the sky
as the branches of misfortune engulfed me
wrapping around my heart and capsizing my body, scratching my brown fragile being
Monique Isom Mar 2015
Can you imagine

a world
in which
Is an uncanny thing?
Really, if we were to somehow remove violence from our culture and let the generations pass.... Eventually there would be no nature towards violence.... right?
maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here..... But fighting....musn't there be a less brutal form of it? Why must our desires end in death, wounds, or bruises?
It is not the best we can do.... Is it?
And while I understand that there is a good chunk of the world that finds an alternative to violence.... The proof that violence is still mainstream Is in the government and culture. (E.g. war, discipline, video games etc.)
I'm inexperienced to the world and I would just like to know....
Monique Isom Feb 2015
Love is like darkness,
Love is like the light,
It envelopes you in shadows,
Blinding your genuine sight
This love can be an evil thing,
But with the chance it turns out right,
There is nothing better in the world then
The light
Monique Isom Nov 2014
you saw me, you saw me,  you saw me
standing there
waiting for you patiently, to  honestly
you saw me, you saw me,  you saw me
standing there
my love you saw , you saw  it snuggled in a little
and you saw my love that once was nurtured,
for you it was
slowly become a
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Monique Isom Oct 2014
Can you see me bleeding?
Can you see me pleading?
Lying on the floor,
begging you for no more.
Can you see me bruising?
This battle I am loosing,
it's not supposed to end this way,
yet all i have to say is....
*i'm fine
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