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I found today
I scraped my knee--
Hadn't realized it had
started to bleed--
The cut was shallow but the
blood flowed slick,
and stained the shade
of my lipstick.

I try my best,
It's all we can do,
Messy as being a
Human is,
We all have faults--
We all have sins.

The song of laughter
Brings us in,
The tears of loss
cement us--
and it's all the
In between
that makes us
Makes us

I see you.
I see it in you.
The beauty and
the heartache. The mess
and the intention,
The skill and the folly,
The breakdown and the
I see it in you.
Miss Masque Feb 14
Haunting me in snow motion,
All on the breeze that set me free,
Floating, Drifting, Flipping, Twirling
All of my kinetic energy

Brings me to my knees
Taunting me, there's
no way to know if it's
Testing me,
I shouldn't be scared...
Should I be scared?

A Whiff of Candlelight,
Sulfur Burning in the Night--
The Shift in Shadows--Slight,
The Will of the Flicker
Getting Thicker and Thicker
Makes Me Start to--
Take that
No Use
Start Proclaiming
Your Name in
the Energy
that Washes Over
The Reverie--
It's Potent--
It's Haunting Me.
Miss Masque Feb 6
Squishy fated
Meant to puzzle
the nexus of
pulsing and

The conductive
the dazed hazy
I bite my lip
and you start to
give in,
I won't tell you no--
take a hit
to the bed
grabbing sheets
air past teeth
no thoughts
just breathe...
or don't.

on the nexus
of firing synapses
the electric relapses
into shivers and moans--
I need
feel you.

Your skin
lingers in
the shivers--
in the wake
of the day
my body
that you
aren't there
and it aches.

Lead me there,
Let me
bathe in
your twilight.
Miss Masque Feb 5
I go out of my way
to make people laugh
went out
of their way
to make me cry.

I Will Combat
Every. *******. Time.
In My Way.

Saying Nothing
Encourages the
choking vines
to thrive,
nurturing Silence.

I heal hearts--
Ignorance took
a running start
to push over
My resolve.

Rip up the page,
Start again.
Another person
Stopped Listening.

I go out of my way
to brighten someone's day
Shared Laughs,
Shared Smiles.

Made You Feel--
Is what
You remember.

Do I need to
Be Remembered?
I would like to be.

If I have only
ever touched
your life
I hope
You Remember
I made you feel.
~~Don't Let the ******* Get You Down~~
Miss Masque Feb 3
The gentle gesture
of a kangaroo eating
out of the palms of your hands
cupped just so,
hands beneath just holding
your hands there
trusting you to offer
a favorite treat.

I look over at you.
The look of adoration
stuns me.

It's not that I'm surprised,
It's more that you look at me
like I'm a wonder, an enigma,
Some precious strange thing
to be protected
and loved
and cherished.

A moment captured in time
You lean up behind me and
the picture is done and we
move on.

You are my gentle love,
the honey in my gaze,
the caramel apple of my eye
the happy ending of my days.

Your sweetest company
a mystery unfolded,
an adventure enfolded
into laced fingers
and bodies
skin against skin.
I wrote this for my husband. He has to leave the country and be away from me for awhile. and I will miss him terribly. I'm going through my own process of dealing with the separation after having a long distance relationship for 5 years and finally getting married and being physically together since June 7, 2024. (We visited for shorter periods of time throughout, but this is the longest we've been able to physically be together the entire time).

It will be hard, but we have done this before. We'll be alright. I'll be watching the same moon at night and wishing for the stars to grant me some time with him in my dreams.
Miss Masque Feb 3
I wouldn't change who you are
for anything.
You could never be anyone else
and I wouldn't want you to be.

That's what he said to me.
My love, my hope, my fluidity.

There is a stillness
In the deepest
part of the night
When everyone
has gone to sleep:
even the cat.
I can hear her
in the silence.

Stretched out paw
She reaches out,
Knowing she's safe.
Knowing she's loved.
Knowing she will
Never be abandoned.

I changed to get here
Under the heavy blanket
of eleven thousand nights
of stars.

Did you see what they saw?

Why do you think it's red?

The silk I drape you with,
I forged in heat,
In fire. Blisters,
Boiling flesh
Give way to
Soft hands
timeless debts.

I will never stop
For Humanity
to be able to
Live Abundantly.
Live Fully.

Be in the Moment--
Wish I could erase the fear--
Bombs in the building next door,
Where the next meal will come from,
Medicine shortage,
Families torn apart,
Lives gone in seconds,
Contaminated water.

When someone reaches their
Hand out in a gesture of faith,
Of hope, of desperation,
Meet them with kindness.
Meet them with warmth.
Even when you don't have a thing to give
in material, it is immaterial
To offer a slice of the humanity
We have all been gifted.

Not all of us are safe,
Or have the comfort of love,
And many have been abandoned
By family, by society, by anyone
that feels
it is hard to look at someone
that you find pity for.

Look. That is where you will find
the deepest expression of humanity.

It's in the purrs.
It's in the exaltation
of the burden.
My people struggle.
But we have *******
Been. Through. It.
Let me take it on.
We know how to
*******. Thrive.
In. Struggle.

I swim with weights.
I have trained for this.
You wanna go toe to toe?
Let's ******* dance.
Be strong when you can be. Show your vulnerability to your social support when you are weak so they can be honored by it and meet you where you're at and that feeling amplifies the joy on the other side by sheer force of opposites. Push, challenge, dissent. Be willing to struggle for the right thing. Be willing to stand up and say "No" when you don't agree with the status quo.
Miss Masque Jan 24
I give myself a cheery wave,
I deserve a good start at least.
This time is more confident, knowing, loved.

This time
The reflection stays and basks
in the warmth of the love reflected.
The smile is calm, accepting and comfortable.

What once was a shell
has cascaded as it rolled down the hill
gained momentum,
picking things up along the way,
gaining speed and ******* soaring.

Shell no longer, my bounty is full
and I couldn't be more grateful.
My insides are starting to match
my expectations of my outsides again
which feels good.
More than that--I feel like myself.

Heya friend!
I call to my reflection.
Her eyes crinkle and she smiles
throwing the peace sign,
Then she gives me a serious look
and points to our heart
and mouths:

"Protect It,
But Don't Waste Your Potential.
Go Love. Be Loved. Be Love."

She turns to go,
But over her shoulder she turns
and says:

"By the way, I'm proud of you.
I'm proud to reflect who you have become.
You deserve all the happiness life can bring
and all the sadness that sharpens the joy.
Now the goal is to experience everything,
Take it all in,
Don't take any of it for granted
and worship life.
Love and worship really living."

My reflection doesn't leave me,
Even when things are rough these days,
I have learned a lot in days numbered, years, decades,
I can't reclaim my youth
but I can avoid its mistakes for my own sake.

This world is scary enough right now,
People sowing the hatred that snuffs out light
That breaks the glass of shops and places of prayer
and homes of people
who just want to be able to live their best lives,
my hopes for the future dwindle low
but my candle still burns,
and with a thousand candles
and two thousand feet
and ten thousand fingers raised
maybe someone will see
maybe it will cause change?

What will it take?
I hope violence isn't the answer.
I have a family to raise.
A life to live.
In the community I want to make friends in.
I don't want this,
But I have to be a good example
To the generations who come and will
Need. Good. Examples.

I feed my reflection positivity now.
I feed my reflection ferocity and the willingness to speak up.
I feed my reflection hope with motivation to enact change.
I feed my reflection the willingness to accept flaws.
I feed my reflection patience to understand others' perspectives.

A few things have changed though.
We hardened up a little bit.
Around the block a little bit.
I don't put up with narcissist *******,
I handle myself with decorum but push me
and I bite back,
Verbally. Don't talk to me
as if you already know me

I have friends and you friend
are not a friend so go back to
Your friends, this conversation
Is at an end.

What feminine people go through
while you can come out stronger,
it takes a lot of tumbling to get that
gem nice and shiny.

Starting a new chapter,
I think we've made good choices so far
that led us here.
There are some weird bumps ahead,
But I think with the support of partners
and loves and lovers and friends
We will help each other get through this
Fighting when we have to,
Leaning on each other,
And never forgetting what we're fighting for.
Just sitting up late at night in an apartment in Manhattan, and it just feels like glorious writer fodder. I was reading through my old poems and I saw "My Reflection" and thought it was well worth an update.
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