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Apr 2015 · 953
What They Say
Millerdeux Apr 2015
They say the first to apologize is the Bravest
I did
Yet I am not
...the Bravest

They say the first to forgive is the Strongest
I did
Yet I am not
...the Strongest

They say the first to forget is the happiest
I did
Yet I am not
...the Happiest
Negativity is bad
Mar 2015 · 444
In The Zone
Millerdeux Mar 2015
Eyes sparkled bolt
Completely in different dimension

Bodies dribbling sweat
Powerless to keep pace

Focus exceed maximum
Unnecessary information is furrowed

Field of view widens
Far beyond range

A half-hearted would actually be dangerous
To be in the zone
Just you and me
Mar 2015 · 4.3k
The New Road
Millerdeux Mar 2015
Terrain was ridged
In blinding grime
Sluggish ride devoured darling time
It was dark

A velvety way
Crisp air purifying the lungs
Time feel scarce
It still dark, but there is luminous light along the way
Millerdeux Mar 2015
It will be the last one
If all it give was days full of agony

It will be the last one
If all it give was revolving delirious mind

It will be the last one
If all it give was a suit of devoid soul

It will be the last one
If all it give was lumps of disintegrated heart

It will be the last one...
Mar 2015 · 785
A Guardian Angel
Millerdeux Mar 2015
Lord, please send to her
Guardian Angel for when I'm not around
Fulfill all her desire because
I sincerely love

Day Night hastening
Chasing time
Just to build a palace for together
Impulsive blinking eyes forced self
But I am more willing to see your smile

I envisage what now I to withstand
All that is destined for my life
Forgive me that you had to come away
I had to step in
Leaving you

Send my longing to her
So she will always be perfect
Bring them love
So they can fly together to heaven
Mar 2015 · 569
Above Love
Millerdeux Mar 2015
There is Love above Love
Like spooning a warm marshmallow
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Millerdeux Mar 2015
I have a Vast Colossal Dream
But I can't dream
If I can't sleep
Mar 2015 · 650
That One Word
Millerdeux Mar 2015
How long have it been since then?
How have you been doing since then?
How have I been doing since then?
So many questions, none to be answered.
Let just kept at heart.

But the fact, I have been thinking a lot since that  day full of sorrow.
In fact, I have learnt so much than what I have learnt in months.
In fact, I was thinking about a word
In fact, I learnt that there is no battle against It that a mortal can conquer..

Never ever challenge yourself against It. It can make you go crazy,
It can ripped you apart, by worst It can **** you.
Never ever fool around with It, Otherwise It will fool around with you.
It have its own way of doing things.

But I have found out that,

The only way against that word is the word itself.
Mar 2015 · 459
Millerdeux Mar 2015
Beautiful saga is now only history
Nostalgic wind blows
It's so comfortable inhaling the fragrance of your love*
Heavy rain pouring now
Like a relentless
You are the most beautiful rhythm
You are my song
Not to mention I have heard
You go...

Lonely without words
Silent and motionless, got powerless you I to forget
Whatever they say
Let the memories flowering the Twig of Age
*Rain now..

— The End —