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 Jun 2015 Michael DR Muse
when you don't need anyone's approval
to be happy
Palindrome poem.
rose red rain, like
    blood tears
     through veins,
preyed on the night
  as sinners pleaded
    for their dragons
      to be slayed
       in kingdom
         come's escape,
gray cloudbursts
  darkly applauded
    their defeat
     in thunderous claps,
aware there's
    no redemption
    for demons buried
      deep beneath
     an endless
       decreed fate
I want to go home
I want to be free
But here I am trapped
And will always be

I dream of a land
With mountains and trees
A beautiful land
With blue lakes and seas

Where I can be free
And do what I please
A land without death
And without disease

A land full of joy
A land full laughter
Where I can live happily ever after
I talk
                                                            ­               but all of my words are sin

I move
                                                            ­               but all of my actions are sin

I think
                                                           ­               but all of my thoughts are sin

I dance
                                                           ­               but all of my rhythms are sin

I sing
                                                            ­              but all of my tones are sin

I write
                                                           ­                but all of my poems are sin

All of me is a sin

I am a sin

It's quite hilarious
When you say "I love you"
When in fact,
love is a verb
not a noun


— The End —