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when silence breeds discontent
and critics ensnare your feet
in a morass of minutiae
amplify your truth

when gossip makes
a mischief of reality
stand your ground
command all energy
toward positivity

never relent because
others seek to mold you
in their stale likeness
never submit to quietude
when you are gifted
a poetic voice

It's your obligation
to subjugate negation
and contort vexation
into your own narration
toward personal salvation
Your thoughts, your creation
only your fingers, the translation

Never submit to false authority
lies, malice do not signify you
hold your head high
Look to the stars
and dream in words
HP is a safe haven for poetry and creative expression, and we have a responsibility to protect this hallowed ground as a place to think, share, and dream. This poem is my pledge to remain true to our mission as poets. Never let others' opinions falsely define you.  Dare to be authentically, unapologetically yourself.
I sit here feeling
the flesh of the world
heaving with the enormity
   of today's pain
tears are indescribable
watching eyes chiseled
from hardship, lips pressed
into sepulchers of unspoken words

I kneel before an altar
           resurrecting childhood faith
whispering again a scripture
to relinquish this surcingle
         clenching my chest
  we are more
                      than these dark hours
we will rise

         from the bleeding woods
and hurricanes threatening
       security and any semblance
of peace

we are more than these crises
                      and when the smog
        fades, the tempests   retreat

we will lift our hearts
   use our hands
                and rebuild

humanity again
I awoke today feeling the heaviness of our world, the fires out on the West coast, the hurricane making landfall near my home on the East coast, people shrouded in fear and uncertainty, jobs lost. The world is crying, it seems. This poem is my prayer to our world that we will find our way back from these wanderings, that even though we are lost, we will be found.❤️
Dream walkers
Sleep walkers
Even in the park
Let me thinkers
Hurry on Homer's
Explorers all around
God thinkers
Step in timers
Not a care in
The world walkers
Walkers all around
Which one are you
Just finished walking. Saw all kinds of walkers.This thought just crossed my mind
Any chair to sit in
Can walk up steps
Hang up clothes
Take a walk
Go outsideAnytime I want to
A wheelchair to sit in
Takes an elevator
Hand clothes to roommate
Use to use crutches
Can't anymore
We are a team
I'm her legal guardian
And she's a part of me
When we are together
We laugh cry share gossip
I push her wheel chair
But she's the one who
Gives me a push
Because of her
I am me
And she is she
And we are we
I am legal guardian for someone and realize how lucky I am
 Sep 2020 Max Neumann
Alone I walk an unpredictable trail,
Mind racing analyzing all the ways I fail.
Feeling that the surrounding reality stands still,
As if everything surrounding me attacks at their will,
Alone with nature’s vitality, separated by the emotions we feel.
Perceptions of life’s purpose is to endure the suffering,
Pain brings the opportunity of a lesson,
Student of life, searching for knowledge insatiably.
Empathy, gratitude, a positive attitude,
Clear cut path to humbling, a fractured ego,
Comfort is an illusion, primary emotions a placebo.
Obstacles on the trail... rivers, fallen trees and stones,
No one here to utter words capable of breaking bones.
Language more powerful than the Manhattan project,
Weaponized communication formulated without logic.
Living through our actions, dangerous words become silent,
Respected for our effort, Results of an ego no longer defiant.
Shrouded in chaos no absolute truth,
Awareness resides with a present mind.
Accepting of spaces magnificent design,
New moments present an opportunity to own.
Anxiety provoked mind crippled in fear,
Trust the process then your path will be clear.
Darkness sheds a light in the end,
Growth is in the shadows, humanities path to ascend.
Feedback is always appreciated.
“Your to fat”
“Lose some weight”
“No wonder he cheated you look like a hippo”
Your told these things on a daily
Bringing your self esteem down
But remember
Girl or boy
Your amazing the way you are
Don’t let anyone bring you down.
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