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 Nov 2014 Mary Mia Madera
She was once a true love of mine
She treated me so kind
She came to me
when I was stuck
when my heart was dark
and shed
her loving light on me

She held me close
kissed my lips
warmed wash clothes
to bathe away my pain.

When she was done with me
she moved me along
the crummy little apartment
the river
the perfect spot for me.

Life is lived
in chapters
one after the other
She once was a true love of mine.
Do you remember our first kiss? I do.
Watching the time tick down in your
Daddy's car. At exactly midnight you
leaned over and made your move. Do you still think about it? . . . Cuz I do.

Walkin away from you was the hardest
thing I ever did.
Having to go on lonely knowing you'd get over it. Do you remember the few times when you spoke my name so tenderly? I know its hard for you to remember me. I hate you but I, love you- I do.
Because I am so free,
I will sleep in cages,
To show they cannot harm me,
I will walk my golden feet in mud,
To show I won’t absorb it,
Just as Christ himself,
Who never had a chain,
Chose to live under human rules,
So I will submit,
To pointless stipulations,
To truly reveal.
Because I am free.
Those who fly,
Can leave the sky,
And walk,
With light steps.
Shaking off the dust,
Of crowds,
While laughing with them.
May 23, 2014
I once knew a girl
she was happy and young
until ***** by a stranger's lust

I once thought of a girl
she was scared and frightened
tried to bury the remains of her past

I once thought I knew a girl
But she was damaged at full
never loved or could be loved

I once was that girl
But I hid behind a cover story of
"just a girl".
You were that star
I wished on every night
You were that star
In the darkest of times
You were that star
In the constellation of my mind
But stars fall
And that's what happened to *you
when i told you
i was a queen
you knelt before me
sword out
and pledged your allegiance
to the ruler of your  heart
you called me your highness
and dared ask for a crown
i'll now burn your bridges
send knights chase you down
chain you in my dungeons
and dissect you one slice at a time
i'll feed you to my dragons

treason is a deadly crime
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