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  Apr 2018 Angel of grief
people change everyday
so i vow to fall in love with you
every time the sun rises

  Mar 2018 Angel of grief
the moment a poet
falls in love with you

is the moment
you live

f o r e v e r
  Jan 2018 Angel of grief
ashley lingy
Occasionally I come across a person with brown eyes,
and I compliment them on those peepers.

More often than not, they laugh and say,
"Oh, they're just brown."
"They're **** colored."
"I wish I had blue/green/hazel eyes."

I want to grab them by the shoulders,
pull them close to me,
look into those eyes and say,
"Your eyes are alluring, deep, and warm."

Eyes the color of delicious coffee,
of which I want to gulp every last drop.
Eyes the color of ancient leather,
the binding of the best books.
Eyes the color of the soft soil,
from which everything good grows.

I say,
"Love your eyes, it's how the rest of us see into your soul."

Brown eyes are my favorite eyes.
Brown eyes make me feel like I am home.
  Jan 2018 Angel of grief
I cannot do anything
I can't function
I can't move
Look what you have done to me
I feel so lifeless
I feel like I'm going to die

Heart in embraces of a platonic love is the most highest form of
affection we share with another person.
It is because one will jump into the fire for his love,
knowing that the only kiss he'll get may be a kiss of death.
For all the friendzoned people in the world. You are awesome!

— The End —