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 Sep 2016 fm
Chloe Zafonte
It was my first week of kindergarten.
The adults around me went from being cheery to glum and irritable.

I came home that day and took my back pack off, I walked into the living room to see my Dad screaming and crying at the T.V! I looked at the screen to see the planes crashing into the towers, channels replaying it over and over again.

Images of Osama Bin Laden's face replaced Saturday morning cartoons. School went from learning to constantly singing patriotic songs and how we love our country.

I could not fully retain what was happening around me but I could feel the emotions of my teachers, parents and peers rubbing off on me.

The world went from green to gray that day and now I understand why.
 Sep 2016 fm
Heliza Rose
 Sep 2016 fm
Heliza Rose
She was armed with a camera
He was armed with a paintbrush
And I just sit here with my arms bare
Wondering what weapon would be mine
For they all seem to be taken
 Sep 2016 fm
Javaria Waseem
I want death to reach out for me
in the most romantic way
take my soul after
making me suffer and beg for it.

You ask, why?

So that when I meet the Lord,
I can tell Him that
you weren't the one
who had hurt me the most.
 Sep 2016 fm
raw with love
i loved you
and i love you still.
you never did,
you never will.
 Sep 2016 fm
Amul Garg
 Sep 2016 fm
Amul Garg
One day a strong feeling rose,
it's time, to her I should propose.
But as fate chose,
I met only remorse.

Had written her a song,
which she found all wrong
As my eyes looked at the letter she tore,
'I want to never see you again!', she swore.

The pain was such, it was impossible to take
the pain of this horrible heartbreak
It felt as if she plunged into my heart
a ****** wooden stake
 Sep 2016 fm
Of course you take the thing I want
Say here's half
but wait
no here's all
but just out of reach
because he's gonna be responsible
but don't worry
he likes you
he thinks you're attractive
but he knows
it cant be casual
but doesn't that feel great
to know that you could have
but you cant
because of this twist of fate
but if I didn't live here I never would have met you.
 Sep 2016 fm
Ellie Geneve
 Sep 2016 fm
Ellie Geneve
As a child,
I used to run my hands
on the walls as I walked

Adults around
would warn me
about the filthiness
of those dust, graffiti,
*****, and poster covered walls

But touching them gave me
a weird sense of accomplishment
Like physical proof
that I was once here

moving forward

I will not worry
what bacteria
this wall holds
what molds
have aged on its corners

Instead, I'll run my hands
with every step I take

because I am,
once again,
*moving forward
 Sep 2016 fm
Bipolar Hypocrite
I turn up the volume as loud as it can go
Hearing the music blasting my drums.
But no matter how loud it is
It can never block out
The voices inside my head.
To him: I told her. I don't think I can keep my promise anymore. My life is ruined. I'm so sorry.
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