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 Nov 2015 Mariana Miranda
The saddest part is that
I have to live everyday
seeing the three-year old tan line
on my ring finger.

The sea is calm tonight,
reflecting star light
and a Summer moon.
Walking on these wave swept sands,
I see you swimming the salty tides,
diving under
then emerging,
your playful smile
moves an ocean breeze
across my face
and I warmly reply:

Saturn’s in the 5th moon;
stars dance to your mermaid’s tune
and I build sand castles
to shelter you from coming storms.

Breath me into your waters.

Aztec Warrior 7.31.15
wanted to write something nice for a friend who heard sad news tonight... hope they like it...
 Jun 2015 Mariana Miranda
Hi Sir,

You're reeking with hate
Don't dive into that fate
Free yourself from rage

We are all here to write
We are all here to express
Oh please don't start a fight
Because we're all here to just express

So what if their poems always trend?
Is it an enough reason for your anger to vent?
Why wouldn't you just feel happy for them?
After all, we should co-exist 'cause we're all poets

Yes, we are poets, not *****
Don't go pulling others down
That's just not the way to the top
Yeah, I might get into trouble for this. But, let's live in peace. This is the only place where others can escape to. Peace please. Just sayin'.
Maybe you forgot
that love is not all about the talking
It's all about the actions

Actions speak louder than words
 May 2015 Mariana Miranda
I ache for the ocean
I long for the sea

I desire for the coast
the shore
the sand
I crave for the tide
the current
the rip

I ache for the ocean
I long for the sea

I yearn for the reef
the deep
the bed
I hunger for the swim
the surf
the dive

I ache for the ocean
I long for the sea

I bleed
I breathe
I live
for the waters
the horizon can see.
She is made up of words that not anyone can understand;
Her mind is a dictionary of sadness and heartache,
And her heart is a poetry book for the hopeless.
She is the prettiest song,
The perfect sonnet,
The most meaningful haiku,
And the longest novel.
It takes a while to read her,
Seconds to love her,
And a lifetime to forger her.
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