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Hello Poetry Support Group (collaboration between Ena Alysopriano and Ember Evanescent)

People of all ages sitting in a circle staring at the ground, ceiling, etc. a few twitching.

"Hi, I'm Fred."

"Hi Fred"

"I started this group because I found that I was on Hello Poetry 24/7. I got an account and I loved it. At first I was only on a little, posting one or two poems a day. But I loved it so much I began spending more time on it. It became a problem when I was fired for focusing on Hello Poetry instead of the heavy machinery I was operating. I was drinking so much coffee so I didn't have to sleep that I couldn't think straight. I began writing strange poems about adhesive sloths and grapes. My wife threatened to leave me if I didn't delete my account. I tried to stay off it but, it didn't work out. My wife took my kids and told me that I was too irresponsible. I responded with a limerick. She was very mad and left immediately after. I really want to stop being addicted to Hello Poetry and when I asked I got an overwhelming response from people who felt the same. If everyone could please introduce themselves in a clockwise direction."

"Hi… I'm… um… kittylover682"

"Hi kittylover682"

"So… I used to have a name, but now I can only remember my screen name. In fact, that is really the only part of my identity that remains. I miss obsessing over kitties and petting them, but now I just spend all my time on Hello Poetry. I used to have such a kitty-full life! I had so much potential! i made friends with every type of kitty, even new ones, i never discriminated. I met persian kitties, and alley kitties and tabby kitties and I went and pet them and showed them love… then i got kicked out of people's houses for sneaking in to pet their kitties… but my point is, kitties were my LIFE! And now, my life revolves around that little lightening bolt and i can only seem to speak in metaphors. That lightning bolt is the death of my heart, the thorn in my side, the electricity that warps my body and it just… it is a storm inside of my life. The agony when i see that my lightning bolt is not lit up with a notification… it is an undying fiery hell within my soul. I makes me want to… to… well, it makes me consider leaping off of cliffs or in front of trains… but the only thing that stops me is the hindering idea that I may have to get off of hello poetry for a few moments to go do that so I remain, under my bed on my computer, posting poetry, reading poetry, commenting, liking, reposting… its a VICIOUS CYCLE!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!!!!”

“Hi I’m DaPoet”

“Hi DaPoet”

“Like, kittylover682 I had a different name, but this is MUCH cooler. I don’t think I have a problem, because who says there is anything wrong with being a poet? Also I’m not a normal poet. All of my poems are also raps. I’m here because my mom thinks I have a problem. Apparently choosing poetry over sleep and school is not okay. I don’t understand her ‘logic’”

“Hi I’m DYING”

“Hi Dying”

“No, that’s not my name, who CARES what my name is?! I’m only still here and not on Hello Poetry right now because my sister has chained me to this chair and bolted it to the floor. She thinks I need help but I AM DYING! I need to get on it! I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM! I’M FINE! I’M FINE! GIVE ME BACK MY LAPTOP!”

“Please calm down.”

“Shut up Fred!

There once was a man named Fred,

who got it into his stupid head,

that people needed to be cured,

of the obsession with the written word,

and as soon as I get unchained FRED IS GOING TO BE DEAD!”

“Okay… please stop creating violent limericks on the spot. We have all been there, there IS a way out.”


“Okay, stop making really ****** rhymes please.”


“Okay… let’s just move on. We’ll come back to you. Next person, please go on, I’ll duct tape his mouth shut. Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver, after all.”

“Hi I’m…Sally”

“Excuse me, could you put down your phone while you introduce yourself?”

“No… Oh my gosh, Poetry is Life started trending!”

“I’m sorry what?”

“My fourth latest poem started trending!”

“YAY!” everyone claps and congratulates Sally

“No. No more Hello Poetry. We are supposed to stop obsessing over poetry and be cured from this addiction.”

“I don’t want to be cured.”

“I love Hello Poetry”

“Why don’t we change this to a spoken word club!”


“Hi I’m DaPoet and I declare this a new spoken word club!”


“No no no! I created this to-” Sally clubs Fred in the head with her phone and he drops dead


“He was hit in the head”

“And we are now free”

“To write continuous poetry!”

“And become more obsessed instead!”

The end.

It is a world of wonder and delight
because of this love we call poetry

With sisters and brothers
and friends and lovers
and novice and poets to see

There are poems to be crafted
and humor to be laughed at
but sadness is not to be spared

With nightmares to be spoken
as they are put out in the open
and hopes and dreams are shared

We all gather together
to put down with letters
that, which makes us who we are

From near or from far
this is what we are
the crafters of poetry

 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
the day i met you;

the stars didnt align

**they ******* exploded, baby
we found wonderland;; you and i got lost in it
I woke up on your side of the bed this morning... it was empty
2. I cut myself while shaving cuz you didn't attack me with Barbasol like you usually do
3. I cut myself while shaving again to try and wake myself up
4. This is real life
5. I looked through our old pictures
6. I couldn't breathe
7. I dialed your number
8. I hung up
9. Your favorite song came on
10. I sang along
11-50 are things I'm sorry for
51-70 are things we never did
71-97 are how many apologies I've worked on
98. Even though I have a heart of stone you'll find your name engraved on it
99. I still love you
100. Its time to come home
I'm afraid of waking up with amnesia
I don't want to forget a thing about you
the way you would rest your head on my chest
how your voice sounded when you first awoke
how my shirts always looked better on you then they did on me
or how you said my name
i want to remember the little things we did
like driving to get midnight snacks
meeting under a full moon
walking along the beach
watching vine videos till our sides hurt and we couldn't breath
talking about things we love and hate about each other at 4 in the morning
I don't want to forget
I'm afraid to forget

I wish you would wake up with amnesia
that way you would forget about all the excuses of why we shouldnt be together.
that way i would get to meet you for the first time again and again
I would find different ways to make you smile
find out something new about you every single day
I would be able to relive all of our favorite moments together
I'd know your favorite things without you having to tell me
You'd feel like I've known you our entire life even though we just met
It'd be like 50 first dates although I'd find 50 different ways to make you fall for me
Every day would lead to something new
and every single day would end with I love you

but the only thing that I cant get out of my mind is the time you said Goodbye.

I'm afraid of waking up with amnesia
I don't want to forget
I'm afraid you'll forget me.
 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
Hold my hands above my head
Push me down into the bed
Bite me harder, rip my flesh
Put my sanity to the test
Do it harder, I like it rough
Do it faster, you know I'm tough
I'm a screamer baby,  so you know
For you, I'll put on a show

You can ruin me and torture me
I won't charge you, do it for free
Rip out all my feelings deep inside
**** me baby and make me cry

Harder, faster, stronger, please
Make me beg til I'm on my knees
I'm a screamer girl, that you know
For you baby, I'll put on a show
 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
Why is it that
The voices in my
Head are never happy?

Why is it that
The words I whisper
To myself are evil?

Why is it that
I read an obituary
And think they're lucky?
 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
She created the snow
And the other made it burn
Ash like snow fell on the ground
Each flake falling in turn

She played with the snow
While the other played with fire
Together when they met it was
A twisted, dark desire

Ice and fire were never meant to be
In close proximity to another
She burnedburnedburned to ashes
And froze did the other
 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
Just another day in paradise
Banishing the demons before my eyes        

Just another day in paradise
All my hopes and dreams dropping like flies
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