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 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
Seems to be
You've forgotten my name
My name which I'm sure
You never cared much about anyway

Seems to be
I've forgotten your name
Forced amnesia is a treat
Especially when you've forgotten about me
My heart wishing you, willing too.
you loving me, needing thee.
What lively lad most pleasured me
Of all that with me lay?
I answer that I gave my soul
And loved in misery,
But had great pleasure with a lad
That I loved ******.

Flinging from his arms I laughed
To think his passion such
He fancied that I gave a soul
Did but our bodies touch,
And laughed upon his breast to think
Beast gave beast as much.

I gave what other women gave
That stepped out of their clothes.
But when this soul, its body off,
Naked to naked goes,
He it has found shall find therein
What none other knows,

And give his own and take his own
And rule in his own right;
And though it loved in misery
Close and cling so tight,
There's not a bird of day that dare
Extinguish that delight.
Shall I tempt you this night
with the grinning moonlight
silhouetting leaveless trees
flailing in the breeze

sprinkled across the sky
a billion star eyes
tally the winks they emit

silently ponder nature's picture
lets peel it back, take a peek
at what's beyond

run wild with anticipation
find answers to the question
then question why
and wait for a reply
A GLEAM -- a gleam -- from Ida's height,
By the Fire-god sent, it came;
From watch to watch it leapt, that light,
As a rider rode the flame!
It shot through the startled sky,
And the torch of that blazing glory
Old Lemnos caught on high,
On its holy promontory,
And sent it on, the jocund sign,
To Athos, Mount of Jove divine.
Wildly the while, it rose from the isle,
So that the might of the journeying Light
Skimmed over the back of the gleaming brine!
Farther and faster speeds it on,
Till the watch that keeps Macistus steep
See it burst like a blazing Sun!
Doth Macistus sleep
On his tower-clad steep?
No! rapid and red doth the wild fire sweep;
It flashes afar on the wayward stream
Of the wild Euripus, the rushing beam!
It rouses the light on Messapion's height,
And they feed its breath with the withered heath.
But it may not stay!
And away -- away --
It bounds in its freshening might.

Silent and soon,
Like a broadened moon,
It passes in sheen, Asopus green,
And bursts on Cithaeron gray!
The warder wakes to the Signal-rays,
And it swoops from the hill with a broader blaze.
On, on the fiery Glory rode;
Thy lonely lake, Gorgopis, glowed!
To Megara's Mount it came;
They feed it again
And it streams amain--
A giant beard of Flame!
The headland cliffs that darkly down
O'er the Saronic waters frown,
Are passed with the Swift One's lurid stride,
And the huge rock glares on the glaring tide.
With mightier march and fiercer power
It gained Arachne's neighboring tower;
Thence on our Argive roof its rest it won,
Of Ida's fire the long-descended Son!
Bright Harbinger of glory and of joy!
So first and last with equal honor crowned,
In solemn feasts the race-torch circles round. --
And these my heralds! -- this my SIGN OF PEACE;
Lo! while we breathe, the victor lords of Greece
Stalk, in stern tumult, through the halls of Troy!
You don't need to sneeze rubies and diamonds
You don't need to cough out pearls
Nor have the golden touch of King Midas
To be able to spin my world

No need to vacation in China
To let a few tigers loose
Or fly in on a magic bus
For me to notice you

You don't need to be the president
Or some international spy
On me all your money need not be spent
For me to want you in my life

You don't have to hold onto your breath
And turn the deepest shade of blue
Or at my dumb jokes laugh and laugh
For me to want to love you

For the common cold you don't need to find the cure
Or the perfect mouse trap
You don't need to bring peace to this world
For me to need to hold your hand

All you need to be is yourself
And to that self hold true
Because all I need above all else
Is to be madly in love with you
For my beautiful wife who has put up with me for 30 years this month.
I grabbed a hold a moonbeam
One with the perfect thickness
To write your name across the sky
With God as my only witness

Wrote your name in cursive
Out across the galaxy
Declaring my love for you to the universe
Hoping to have you declare your love for me

Purchased just enough stardust
Adding to it's highlights
A sparkling array of glitter
Shinning through the night sky

Now all the stars and planets
Circle around your wonderful name
Making you the center of my universe
From the moment I grabbed that moonbeam
Who would have known who would have guessed
That you'd say no and I'd say yes
When all we do is argue all the time

I bring with me my best of game
Which is kind of feeble and kind of lame
But it's the only game that I can find

If either shows that they are weak
The other jumps in with both feet
With claws extended looking for the ****

Would I do that...yes I would
Would you do that...if you could
Enjoying all along the cheap thrill

We come to this party all prepared
Hoping that the other is unaware
Of the dangers that lurk around the bend

You smile at me with the greatest ease
I smile back with sharpened teeth
Knowing where we're going and where we've been

Have you ever stopped to wonder why
We always fuss we always fight
Isn't it time we put this to an end

And since I know the way you are
You should be the one to start
Cause your the one that started it in the beginning
Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with me and my wife.
We never argue...I just do what she tells me to do!
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