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Is it alright if I sit alone?
Is it alright if I sit alone, here with my cd's?
Is it alright if I sing the lyrics under my breathe, so no one can hear
Is it alright if I sit alone all day?
Because I need some quiet today.
Is it alright if after I have grown tired of listening to my cd's if I watch some T.V.?
Is it alright if while I watch T.V. I eat junk food and have a cheat day.
Is it alright if I sit alone.
Because when I am alone, I come up with the greatest ideas.
Because when I am alone, I have words flowing through my head for my next poem.
Tomorrow though we will sit together and do all these things.
But today may I sit alone?
I need someone to hold my hand.
I need to feel the warmth of the skin.
I need you to understand I might be sad even when you do this.
Don't be alarmed if I suddenly break out into tears.
It's not you, I'm glad your here holding my hand.
Sometimes though even when I know someone is here for me.
I still feel the need to cry.
Because I feel things, and I see things, and life happens and it's hard at times.
So, don't run away when my eyes become filled with tears.
Because if you weren't here, holding my hand, it might be worse.
I'm sitting on our plastic bench.
My eyes are barely open, I'm looking up into the sky.
I see grey clouds..
Rain drops fall onto my face as I sit on this plastic bench.
The sky is crying, I wonder why it is sad.
Is the sky mourning a loss?
Is it going through a tough time?
Or does it just feel the need to cry and let the world know it isn't feeling alright today?
Does the sky need it's best-friend, the sun to cheer it up, or does it want to weep alone tonight?
Ok, so here you guys go!
I was outside a few moments ago and I thought of this poem.
I rushed inside and started typing it up, I hope you enjoy!
you were that one blinking star in the sky i had pondered on for hours when i was a child just to discover that all stars twinkle and you were no different from the rest

Thoughts of cherry red lips stoking the passion
Her softness, her innocence intoxicating
She keeps her secrets hidden, but the clues are there
Curiousity and thrill mixed with doubt and worry
Treasures and real pleasures await
But to enter the city you need the lions courage
You were sad and I was always blushing and together we were a glorious shade of purple but sad became jaded and when I walked away, flushed cheeks and red lipstick, you were left blue and blue you remain.

1:59 am 02/27/17
 Mar 2017 McGregory Cytol
Ema A
You had just left. I’d asked of you to go.
I watched you turn the corner in the afterglow;
I’d thought “Please stay” then said aloud “Goodbye”.
So quick to leave, you never heard the sigh -
what was unspoken didn’t make you sway.
Why did you leave? And why should you have stayed?
A billion words and a million hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
Risk & reward go hand in hand
loving you is a risk
You loving me is the reward.
 Mar 2017 McGregory Cytol
 Mar 2017 McGregory Cytol
Organic electronic sounds
reverberate throughout
this closed up room,
and I am swathed
in crisp white sheets
and indigo delirium.

The sun slips in and out
between the leaves
holding their breath
outside my window,
and I inhale
air that is heavy
with lost words
and melancholia.

The walls are grey here
and they call for sleep
and great cerulean silences,
things that might heal.
But old lovers keep on
sending messages
like Morse code
and new lovers
cut their teeth on
my collarbones,
smiling at the novelty
of a pretty face and
a sick mind.
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