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  Sep 2016 Riptide
Addy Stone
Think of it like this;
Your mind, his mind, her mind
They all make up the universe.
Every mind comes together to make this world,
A world of personality.
Some parts peace, some parts violence
And without you this place would be
Without you, who knows what would be here and what wasn’t.
And ****,
I never want to find out.
Riptide Sep 2016
You've kept me alive all this time
Taken well care of me
Never faltering
I've always boasted about you
And the family.
Until I came to varsity.
Where there a see of stars
Good and bad
Great and ****
Poised and lost.

You were cool at first
Perhaps because of all the joy rides you were on
Distracted you of what's always been in front of you
Maybe just immature
Without knowing what you fancied
But down the line
Once you got out of that themed park
You began giving me problems
But the more I fed you
The more you craved
I see you'll never get enough
You'll never be satisfied
You shouldn't

I appreciate you
But I'm mad at you
Out of everyone there is,
Why did you have to choose her?
When you are fully aware
Of who she is.
I too take some of the blame.
But I'm rational and you're not.
And now we're stuck in a net.

I shall be honest
This is a puzzle I can't picture
This is a puzzle I'm afraid embarking.
But whatever happens,
Promise me you'll continue beating
And never stop growing
Even if love takes us hiking up Kilimanjaro.
Never give in,
Keep your head up.
Keep me up
With the love you harbour for her,
With your love for me.
Riptide Jul 2016
I committed suicide;


When I left you, N
You took my heart with you
Where it belonged
I bled that day
I bleed today
Slowly running out of blood
Like a wounded soldier
Because you were the blood in my veins.

I've been dripping blood, D
Leaving trails of an utterly wounded man
Needing a doctor
At least to stop the pain.

Just thinking about you hurts, I
Everything reminds me of you...
Of us
It hurts to know, I hurt you
The only one I've loved!
Maybe will love

I committed suicide,
By letting my Queen go.
The random letters spell her name...
  Jun 2016 Riptide
Ma Cherie
So much is written
in between the pages of that book
If you're judging me by what is written,   you need to take another look

You don't know that I'm a mother
I've worked hard all my life
I raised little a family
I was my husband's wife

We had a little girl
who couldn't breathe right on her own
I wasn't even with her
I could not take her home
I had a little boy who now is six foot eight
I love my children dearly don't tell me it's too late

I  tried to be the daughter
My Father wished I'd be
I have the greatest people
who make up my family

Alone I carry burdens
not written anywhere
so don't you whisper I'm a coward
don't you EVER even dare

Like my daughters fight
to earn a spot here on this earth
what you're reading on those pages
shows nothing of my worth

I will not allow you
to trample
on my name
was given by my father
who'd put your *** to shame

I love my little family
dysfunctional and all
Your hurtful foolish words
well they really take some Gaul
I am quite intelligent
I'm sure you know it's true
I put you in your place
and now you know just who

I am.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Someone ****** me off today and I put them in their place...had to be done ;)
  Jun 2016 Riptide
South by Southwest
      (as if)
I was walking on the rain

The rain
     (so cold)
Was it fog or the
of another
and listless soul

Even snow
would be warmer than this

I speak of the
far beyond the absence
of the light

Truly staggering the
of the nothingness
that swallows whole
everything in sight

Jesus walk upon the water
I just walked upon the rain

Yet he stood upon the
I just stood upon it's
While sitting one night , in the dark , in total silence , I was suddenly engulfed by a blackness far beyond that of any emptiness I had ever experienced . Was it what death would be like ? All I know that in it nothing exists at all . Nor even any light .
  Jun 2016 Riptide
See, first we were as one,
But soon we drifted apart.
You decided to run,
Ice encased my heart...

When our time reached two,
I faked it all and you knew.

You were so close yet I didn't visit,
Time spent is useless if I don't miss it.

And just before it hit three,
You and death prematurely met.
There's something twisted in me,
Because I hold no regret.
My horrible feelings about my sister who died in an accident.
Less than three is a pun (<3)
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