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Riptide May 2016
I died,
When we died.
  Mar 2016 Riptide
May build our homes,
but people will always desert me.
  Mar 2016 Riptide
I dig language so much,
I've hit rock-bottom.
10 words, depending on how pedantic one is.
  Mar 2016 Riptide
Much like electricity,
I travel the path of least resistance.
Combined with my eccentricity,
this puts a damper on my persistence.

It is said we should take the path less travelled,
but, in itself, that leads to isolation.
Before we have the mysteries of life unravelled,
we are told this with no consolation...

Society is such that "intellects" can't thrive.
It's created for masses, which works somewhat well...
For an "intellect" to find intrinsic drive,
This runs the risk of creating a shell.

If we are all nodes in circuit,
expected to be independent,
how do we know if it's all really worth it?
Who becomes our psychological defendant?

C'est la vie, and such are these musings...
All I write about will likely never change.
I just find it morbidly amusing,
maybe I'm slightly deranged...
  Mar 2016 Riptide
Like a star, you
are completely unstable.
This is certainly true,
it is no fable.

A constant battle, between
your constant auto-criticism,
crushing your self-esteem...
Lashing out with witticism.

And your thoughts coming together
beautiful yet destructive,
yet it's only when it's them you aim to tether
do they tend to get disruptive.

Although I'm under no illusion
and I realise that your beauty can blind,
you create energy like nuclear fusion
and boggle my mind.

Some will be blinded by your brilliance,
others will never fathom your inner struggles.
You will have to find intrinsic stimulants,
and amaze those who watch you juggle
Title is a pun on "Meister".
This is a re-visitation of an old poem I wrote.
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