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Luna Aug 2014
I collect words that make things feel sweet
Words that taste like the truth hidden in letters that can be replicated a thousand times over
And still not feel the same
Luna Jul 2014
Tick tock, he said, tick tock
There’s a man behind me with the face of a clock
Vigil he stands and beyond towers
Immobile, as he marks the hours

I observe as his hands writhe about
As he says, my dear, time’s running out
But it’s not, I say, how can it be
When all there is
                                     is you and me
Luna Jul 2014
I’ll bear my chest unto the sky
so strike me down before I die
I’m waiting for a certain sign
For my idols to align
We fish swim in air thick as blood
The ground instead is caked in mud
Clean this dirt from walls and skulls
With weapons sharp and turning dull
We’re under control, unwillingly
From my bonds, please, deliver me
We seem to have been invaded by outside forces. Send help
Luna Jul 2014
Rot and decay fills your mouth
And I see it fogging over your eyes
And when you speak I smell death and rust,
You’re either dead or lying and to be honest
I hope with all my heart it’s the first
Luna Jul 2014
I believe, and always have, that this is the only place on this planet that never stays still,
That spins in all directions, reaching out to every corner of the earth. This is where life means the most, in every aspect of the word
Here people say goodbye whether for the first or last time, and often it’s hard to draw the line between the two. Often it’s hard to tell
What goodbye even means, but I hold on to the belief that it can be defined in any way
And right now it means see you later
Luna Jul 2014
Shattered fragments of a flawed heart splayed and lined up on the cold granite floor, emitting a soft glow and the gentle scent
Of lavender and pine
Luna Jul 2014
There will be a point one day when people tell you that your tall tales and wondrous dreams aren’t real.
Do not believe them. Not now, not ever. Your dreams will be your own to share and live and you tell them to back away, and you keep a tight hold on them, you hear? They’ll always give you hope.
There will come a time when you feel being extraordinary is something that doesn’t matter anymore. Well then, think again, because you always have been extraordinary and you’d better keep that going, because my god you are good at it.
You look so alive today, and all I can think is that after everything, you turned out amazing, so you sure as anything keep doing whatever it is that you did, because you did it right.
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