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  Mar 2015 Janine Sleiman
To every single person
Who feels as though they are broken
Shattered, shards, scattered across
Corrupted pasts,
You will be okay.

I know there are scars deep within your soul,
Lacerated across your heart
And potentially upon your skin
I know there is regret, and blame,
Disappointment and shame
Burning fires within.
Let them go.

You are beautiful,
At 3 in the morning when you’re curled up
In your sheets, your pillow
Saturated in yesterdays regrets.

You have endured journeys
Others could never even fathom
You shall blaze trails others
Could never even imagine.

Pain does not define you,
Society shall not confine you.

Don’t you forget, lose sight of or regret
That just because you can’t see the stars
It doesn't mean they're not shining.
  Mar 2015 Janine Sleiman
stacey renei
I lost a part of myself
The day you walked away from me.
The part that loved,
The part that felt.

I used to love the bay where we watched the sunset,
now it's polluted with
sickly sweet people with their hands intertwined
with people they think they love.

We used to listen to John Mayer on the stereo
every night before we sleep,
I traced endless patterns on you bare chest,
your fingers tangled in my messy curls,
now I hate his songs because they remind of you,
so and so that they make me cry.

You used to take me to long drives
in midnight,
now you made me an insomniac who
wants nothing to do with the midnight
because it's when memories of you haunt me.

You took from me
A part I'm never getting back,
A part that took more than half of my being.
Because now I realized,
once you were gone,
I was also gone.
Hey guys, so I haven't written a poem in so long. I hope you guys like this one. The poem's pretty easy to interpret and I hope you can relate. Don't forget to press like, leave a comment, and follow me. Please make this poem trend like all the other ones. Thanks!
Janine Sleiman Mar 2015
Even tho i " moved on",
I still get excited,
When i see you.
My heart jumps
When i hear your name.
And when you tell me you might like someone.
I still hope you'll say me.
When i get a message i still hope its you.
I'll always check my phone about 6 times, for you.
And i dont know why.
Apparently i dont like you,
But apparently i still love you.
Its like this feeling,
Its overwhelming,
It takes over my head and heart .
I want you,
But i dont,
I hate you,
But i dont,
I dont wanna like you,
But i love you,
But i dont.
but i dont
  Mar 2015 Janine Sleiman
I need to read love poetry
For the same reason monks read bibles

the irrepressible need to believe

That love exists
That love is omnipresent, omniscient, all powerful
That it is eternal

For someone somewhere, at least

The emptier I feel, the more I read

Let me believe

Someone kisses
Crusty eye-lids in perfect bliss
  Mar 2015 Janine Sleiman
Dev A
You broke me
But somewhere deep inside I always knew,
You and I were not meant for forever.

I always knew we wouldn't last;
Something in me told me that.

But over and over
My mind runs through our time
And I wonder why?

Why does it hurt when I knew we'd end?
Why does it hurt knowing I won't see you again?
Why do I wish for one more day? One more night?

My mind tells me to move on forward,
But my heart, it wishes for just a little more.
I'm at war with myself,
Logic and reasoning
Wishes and dreaming.

My mind says move on
But worse off
My heart says what if?

You broke me
But deep inside I always knew you would
And yet I still hurt.
Janine Sleiman Mar 2015
Once upon a time,
In a almost perfect world.
There was a girl.
She was happy.
She laughed and played
And smiled all day, with a lovable smile
And her sparkling eyes.
One day, i checked behind that cheerful smile,
That sat so sweetly, among her rosy cheeks.
It was real.
She was happy.
Then she entered reality.
         PLOT TWIST
Alice was no longer in wonderland.
Wonderland to reality.
Crazy insanity.
She kept her head down.
And forced her smile.
Soft, frightened whispers escaped her
Blood red lips as she spoke.
Dark, Dull Madness
Her genuine laugh lightened,
The sparkle in her eyes
Washed out
And was replaced
With pain and darkness.
She WAS happy.
Once upon a time.
first poem posted
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