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Lu Wilson Aug 2022
Is life really too short or maybe too long?
A journey just plucking out the strong

So much joy and tenderness with aching
With every breath, memories we are making

A child, then a wife, and finally a parent
The hardest job with long hours and nay a red cent

Spending days in front of the screen to pay the bills
Blurred vision, headaches looming with unmade meals

Guilt for the friend and wife and mother I am not
Worthy just the same for the wins that I've got

The dichotomy of life is sorrow and bliss
Short or long, it doesn't matter as neither I'll miss
Lu Wilson Apr 2021
In the end it was never the destination that mattered

It was our journey and memories that were the key

Instead of dreams it was glass ceilings shattered

No regrets are had by me

We did it all our way in the face of those who couldn’t see the vision

We put humans first and hearts make good choices

We fought through literal fire to accomplish our mission

And we never lost our guts or voices

I see now so clearly that we are the lucky ones

Looking back at so much more gained than lost

Living in the moment with you was the prize

Making our own rules was worth every ounce of the cost

It’s a little bit of everything that we get to hold dear

Sharing the experience with a precious few

We get to keep that compass in hearts forever near

If I had to do it all over again I would and I would choose you
Closing a chapter
Lu Wilson Jan 2021
In the beginning there were two young souls
Each living a lifetime before they were grown

Representing hope to the others' dreams and goals
Wounded hearts in the shadows of their own homes

The bride in a bed sheet wedding gown and a groom just 18
On their own together facing a journey unforeseen

They were judged and many counted them out
Walking in faith forward with a future in doubt

The early years came and went as their family grew
Tears of happiness arrived with joys they never knew

Life found a way facing many sorrows with mercy
They persevered bravely in the face of adversity

Despite many hardships they never gave up the fight
Forgiveness at the helm of love’s ship guided by light

The chaotic seas calmed with the hands of grace
Redemption and love intertwined like a beautiful lace

Those same souls now older, wiser still full of gratitude and care
For the their journey and family were built on hope and a prayer

We lift our glasses tonight in honor of your life together saying cheers
Mom and Dad, with all our hearts we honor your fifty years!
My parent's 50th wedding anniversary toast.
Lu Wilson Jan 2021
I breathe, I close my eyes and I drift  
I'm so happy, but still wanting to cry

Air fills my chest this is truly a gift
Bidding farewell to all that why

I open my eyes and breath again
Singing praise yet quietly screaming out

Releasing this dark aggressing bane
Grateful, now hopefully liberating doubt
Good news, full heart
Lu Wilson Jan 2021
An impending procedure looms
Results of which no one can assume

Nerves and butterflies with a dash of fear
Feeling helpless as the time grows near

I need peace of mind and a calm heart
Pleading with myself not to fall apart

Will it hurt or will I just hold back the tears
Will this all fade away or haunt me for years

I have no control and that's the worst feeling
The waiting and unknowing, praying for healing
#biopsy #hope #fear
Lu Wilson Jan 2021
In the final countdown I craved to let it all go
Setting intentions for what the New year would bestow

So hopeful and yet naïve still like a child
Sure that which is coming is calm and mild

Midnight struck to bring in a New Year
Yet the old world came the pain didn't disappear
#Happynewyear #2021
Lu Wilson Jan 2021
From ourselves
From our fears
From each other
From the new frontier
Heavy time - who will be the savior?
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