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Jun 2019 · 397
Lou Gato Jun 2019
When do I get some Peace?
when can I get some Love?
when do I get to Sleep?

Since infancy,
I just always looked at life differently,
Everything’s epiphanies,
wouldn't accept what they’d give to me,
I would always question,  
had to know the history,
If I couldnt get that,
it became a mystery,
Had to connect the dots,
Had to make it make sense to me,
Unanswered questions,
are like open files on desks to me,
the more I let pile up the less I get done efficiently,
Heavy in my thoughts I don’t need no competition please,
Everything I’ve ever wanted, I thought of, and it's come to be,
I’m going retire at 42 like it was meant for me,
I been saying that since 23 with the only difference being,
I believe it NOW MORE than ever in history.
just rambling....
Jun 2019 · 390
Poppa's Plea
Lou Gato Jun 2019
Poppa was a rolling stone,
but you know Poppa never neglects home,
Poppa handled all his things,
and still made time for his guitar strings

Poppa was a rolling stone,
but Poppa always came back home,
Poppa always did whats right,
and always tucked you in at night,

Poppa always stood for truth,
he would not have be no other way,
Poppa could have chosen to go,
instead your Poppa chose to stay

Poppa was a rolling stone,
but you know Poppa never neglects home,
Poppa handled all his things,
and still made time for his guitar strings

Poppa was a rolling stone,
but Poppa couldn't come back home,
Poppa tried to do whats right,
sometimes he couldn't tuck you in at night,

Poppa tried to stand for truth,
but as a man, Poppa made mistakes,
Poppa didn't want to go,
but Poppa could not longer stay...

Poppa was a rolling stone......
this is actually a song I wrote, and recorded for myself privately, I struggled with many different emotions during initial separation, but my main focus was to be the best father I could be while being limited to how much I could see them. hard for a real father to move forward from something like this without it taking some toll on you. it made me question myself as a parent.
May 2017 · 623
Truth and Thoughts..
Lou Gato May 2017
As hard as it is to face death
sometimes, I find it just as hard to
face breath
thought cycles killing me I can say
I came stressed
you don't know what it is to get
this strained and face mess
main test missed and I cant
retrace steps
and I have to risk pain and love in
the same breath
I change less, with these problems I play
I came best, word to god I just ain't blessed
the only reason I strive to live is to
gain depth
and hopefully I can all but give what I
ain't get
my daughter is my heart and her life is
my main test...

love daddy.

— The End —