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You hold my hand still,
But it is always loose
And you talk to me often,
But I know I'm not the only one.

And all those poems I sent you,
That you never bothered to read

She is just a friend,
Still her words you have kept framed.

And I don't know why I still stay.

'Cause  know I'm not the only one,
And this sadness has its hands gripping my throat,
The words you say, though, are still coherent,
But there is a void of emotions behind them

And I tell myself,
You can not recreate a moment of past
Why is that time reduces every thing beautiful to ruins

And maybe that is why I stay,
For in all this decay, I still have not forgotten
The Smell of spring.

And the words I write, no longer fits the man you have become,
So you can hold on to her words,
While I hold on the lyrics, of the music long stopped,

Hoping one day it will find its way back to me.

Till then, I shall let my friends Wonder
Why do I still stay

how have you been?

I know,
sometimes Time can be tough,
but remember,
nothing’s permanent and this too shall pass,

we are only an idea of our own imagination of our Selves,

and I don't know if that leads to more questions or answers,
and I don’t know if that makes things better or worse,
but then again maybe there is no such thing as better or worse,
and maybe that’s the truth and maybe the truth is that sometimes the truth hurts…


how have you been?

Tell me,
are you enjoying this miracle called Life,
in this body,
that you’re currently in?

I’m not sure you fully heard the question because I'm not sure you were actually listening,
so at the risk of sounding repetitive I’m going to go ahead and ask it again,

“Hey how have you been,
are you enjoying this miracle called Life in this body that you’re currently in?”.

And yeah I know you’re confused and think you might be a Lesbian,
or maybe an Asexual Extra-Terrestrial Multi-Dimensional Alien,
but hey that’s okay all the World’s a stage and we are all  Eccentric Thespians,
Oddity Prodigies Radical Remedies isn’t it ironic how sometimes the poison is the medicine?

So let the record spin and let the dance begin what hold on I beg your pardon,

I’m not sure you heard the reference because I not sure you were listening,
so at the risk of sounding repetitive I’m going to go ahead and say it again,

“all the World’s a stage and we are all  Eccentric Thespians,
Oddity Prodigies Radical Remedies isn’t it ironic how sometimes the poison is the medicine?”


how have you been?

I thought about you today,
all day actually,

all the way from Budapest Castle,
through the Labyrinth to Matthias Church,
where I drank water which sprang from an Eternal Springs,
from the Fountain of Everlasting Youth I drenched my mouth to quench my occurring thirst.

I thought about you today,
from the thermal baths at Lukacs,
to right here where I’m writing this,
at the Basilica on the Turrets of the Fisherman’s Bastion,

and actually I have a lot of answers but I do have one question if you don’t mind me asking,


how have you been?

It seems what I’ve received from atop the turrets contemplating,
is that my attraction towards you is both affection and indifference,
affliction and obsession and independence and addiction,
and possession and freedom and rejection and acceptance,

and wait a second,

it is,
actually also the most beautiful creation in all of creation,

it is,
the self manifestation of perfection from chaos and misdirection,

which is,
what we are oh my look now to the sky because that's where we are headin’,

and things,
are coming out so fast now I think it’s about time for me to check in,

with you,

hey you,


how have you been?

You still give me the chills like the hottest Sun mixed with the coldest Winds,
which also describes the highest highs both literally and figuratively that I find myself in,
because what I write is the result of insight from the Most High that I then let out with my pen,
& also it seems where I write these lines is usually from places high it can’t all be a coincidence,
this feels all too real to try and even begin to attempt to pretend,
confident and confused at the same time like wanting to make Love with your best friend.

will we be able to make Love unconditionally without any preconditions,
when can we just be without wanting to do,
like being at a Basilica in the petition position but not needing to be on any particular  mission,
can we please just land on foreign land for the sake of seeking refuge from stormy seas,
or simply to stop from drifting,
instead of landing on foreign land for the sake of spreading our own misdirected ideology,
or simply landing on land to start conquering?

When will we be,
able to just be without all the questioning and invasive investigations,
I mean seriously,
these people these days ask so many questions it’s beginning to feel like an Inquisition,

made a few more references there,
could you please write back and let me know when you get them?

And your interpretation of what they mean because honestly I didn't get all of them,
I just wrote the references I didn't even get them all when they were written.

Let me know when,
you stop fishing,
because I already know what and who I want,
and of course I’ve only got one question,


how have you been?


there's a vacancy in my heart a spot on the charts and I'm wondering if you could fill it,
I’m tired you’re hired please love my rebellious heart into submission,
and I guess that’s what I’ve been trying to say the whole time,
but I'm a poet that over elaborates so again I got lost in all the added adjective descriptions,

caught up in the moment as the Sun sets over the Danube river,
casting this beautiful city of Budapest in a golden glow that ripples and glistens,
and I realize just how unbelievably beautiful this whole Globe is,
but honestly the whole world is only half as beautiful when i find you missin’,

see you seem so far away,
when you’re anywhere but here…


where I watch tourist take selfies as two lovers give each other a kiss,
from atop the turrets of Fisherman’s Bastion feeling like I'm starring in a movie,
while staring over the edge fighting back the undeniable urge to plummet into the abyss,
wondering if you feel the same undeniable way & wondering if I am to You what You are to Me,

a Light at the end of the tunnel a reason to live,
a Pleasure that makes all this pain worth it,
a dualist that's humbly and loyally at your service,
both wise and foolish and open to improvement and to You being His heart's tutelage.

The truth is I am in love with this idea of having us even though I know I might lose this.

In Love with everything we embody and that is why one last time before it's too late I’m asking,


how have you been?

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆

From The Holy Trilogy Volume 1;
available worldwide here:
One of the poems from the new Trilogy; The Holy Trilogy: Masonic Psalms from Holy Lands
"I'm not mad."

Narrator: She was angry. And maybe even a little resentful.
When did your home stop feeling like a home? Was it when the clocks stopped ticking? Or when the lights started flickering and you were too tired to change the bulbs? Was it when the flowers leading up the drive way wilted? Or when the windows became too hard to open because they were stuck? Did you realize it when the shower was always a touch too cold and your sink wouldn't drain completely? Was it when your favorite foods didn't taste the same way and your fridge was always empty? Was it when the candles you've always burned didn't have a wick to light anymore? Maybe home was never really home. A home doesn't take more than it gives. A home is what protects you, not makes you feel vulnerable. A home keeps you warm, not allows you to shiver until your muscles ache. A home is what keeps the light inside your eyes lit and keeps the flame in your heart burning. A home would never blow that flame out. Maybe your home wasn't your real home. You were just renting it until you could settle into your permanent one.
In my dreams I picture us,
Laying together,
But never sleeping through the night.
My fingers run through your long curly hair,
As you stare deeply into my soul.
You claw at my back,
As my body arches in pleasure,
You let a faint groan slip out.
I feel a faint breeze coming from the open window,
As we bathe together in the moonlight,
We hear the city that never sleeps below us.
You grab my neck and choke me,
As waves of pure ecstasy surge through me,
I bite my lip to prevent myself from making a sound.
I feel your love in the darkest parts of my soul,
And then I wake and realize it's only a dream.
The one thing that doesn't change is what I crave,
Just You and Me.
If I lost him
My heart would miss him forever

And my soul would never stop trying
To find pieces of him in someone else

By Chloe Elizabeth

— The End —