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 Apr 2015 Lizzette ortiz
I don't want to think about my past,
Who doesn't know? It's not going to last,

Hiding my pain, I put on my gown,
Wondering if I ever could get out of this town,

When I reach the ladder to go up,
Something pulls me back with a struck,

I walk into the marquee of this freak show,
'I am the odd one' is what I come to know,

The carousel takes me back to the day I first rode,
Since then I have been going round and round and nothing more,

"Is this a nightmare?" is what I think,
"No" , says a clown with a mysterious ,atrocious blink,

I run as fast as I can, far away from there,
But the horror won't let me go, it's always here

Memories haunt me on my way to life,
Help me –I guess I'm not doing it right
Wrote this when I was 13.
I asked her why she cut herself,
and she said,
"Because death has an edge
and life is pointless."
She asked that I not
write a poem
romanticizing suicide,
just a poem about
how hard it can be
to celebrate life.
 Apr 2015 Lizzette ortiz
Joe Cole
You are an artist
A sculptor who crafts fine works
But you also sculpt with your mind
And beautiful imagery written in gold
Flows across the page
You are the gentle rains of spring that nurture us
The summer sun that warms us
The bounty of autumn that feeds us
In winter you are the crackling log fire that comforts us
When you leave you will leave with our love
But you will steal our souls
You are the Soulsurvivor but we are not
Soul less we will be cast upon barren ground
There to wither and die
For without a Soul we cannot survive
For Catherine, our Soul
The last specks of snow on the
Fields disappeared with the parting
Of the clouds.

Now blue, the skies smile
Upon everything.
I spoke to a friend today.

The birds keep picking at the
Sunflower seeds I put out by
My window.

I spoke to a friend today.
Now my windows are eyes to my
Soul as I watch mud and dead

Grass kiss the sun back with nothing
But themselves. This spring, as every.
We are not beautiful yet.

But we love you for making us
That; green and alive.
Spring is
Spring to everything.

Spring to everything, and not only  
The words of my friend's
Linger, but the feeling does too; that

When all is as beautiful as this,
I'm not the only one
Seeing it.
Staring out In the open I feel so closed in so frozen it's a feeling that can't be spoken it's just simply being stuck out in the open but the walls feel closed in this feelings so Imposing myself has been stolen...

Angel torruella
 Apr 2015 Lizzette ortiz
As the moon lit the grass from far away
And the wind sings along with your heartbeat.
I feel like a Giselle, beholding your formal past,
And unfold a twist within our path.

Your smile may sting like the Dickens.
And your words may be poison to my ears.
But the spell of lust had shaken me,
From the established wounds of fears.

Your eyes shine bright like the galaxies,
Each glance plants a star on my face.
Each slow, sweet gesture,
Draws constellations I can never trace.

You pulled me closer, dear.
With an embrace, so warm but, yet so unloved.
And an agonizing whisper that says,
**"I can never be enough."
 Apr 2015 Lizzette ortiz
and no matter how far apart we are
i'll always find you, my north star
because i know you'll come back to me
every time i call your name
and this makes me realize
what my heart has realized
long before i met you
that we are meant to be
no doubt i'm an anime/manga fan! check out noragami. the ending theme song "heart realize" is one of the nicest ever, and i have based this poem on the anime.

— The End —