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 Sep 2014 lina S
Bruised Orange
you, who are of my heart, you, who
still the breaking waves upon my shore

i am but a scratchy grain of sand,
yet i knit the pearl of your longing

crack the oyster shell you cling to
and know your beauty

see that your heart's desire
has been within you all along
An older piece, am I cheating?  ;)
 Aug 2014 lina S
I miss how we were the only ones alike.
We were the only two of that caliber, and you knew it.
Electricity flew between your lips and mine.
We were beautiful.
I miss how our voices pierced the heavy silence around us, and tangled up with one another.
I miss how we preformed for no more than one another.
I miss how your melodies kissed my face as they glided about our space.
I miss our shared breath.  
I miss my voice moving in perfect time with yours; curving up to meet your highs, and dipping down to brush against your lows.
I miss the way you would look at me when I took control and owned the song-- with that sly, crooked grin.
The accidental physical touch
The longing when our time ran out
The lingering of your voice, and that crystal gaze burning into my core
The teasing and the backhanded compliments
Never too sure of what's work and what's play
But I'm sure of this:
There is a certain intimacy that comes with throwing your heart and soul into the void, and hoping it doesn't fall flat.
There's an even deeper intimacy that follows when you meet another voice, and you move and reach and swell and growl and throw everything you have into that one note.
Because without passion, we are dead.

Breathe into me.
 Aug 2014 lina S
i'm paralyzed between the fears
of being a nobody,
or letting the pressures of being
a somebody get to my head
I don't know what I want anymore
I pray for rain
So that I can place my head on yours
And together we can meditate upon the ambience of the soothing trickle against my window.

I beg for storms
So that we don't need an excuse to lie in bed for endless hours and stop time and the world, then lose our minds in each other.

Oh I hope it blizzards
Then we can snuggle under my blankets and get entangled amongst each other like glorious vines on a house.

I plead for thunder
Because then I could lay with you in the absolute darkness, and see the beautiful shards of light spark, and hear the thunderous roar as we lay excited clinging  on to the very bones of each other.

I dream of all this and more,
But for right now I just can't wait to see your face again.
For beautiful times, with a beautiful person.
 Aug 2014 lina S
Lora Cerdan
 Aug 2014 lina S
Lora Cerdan
I apologize for the both of us

you for forgetting so easily
and me for not letting things go

you for not listening to anything I don't say
and me for not saying anything

I'm sorry for trying to change you
and I'm sorry that I let you change me

I'm sorry for apologizing too much
I had my fingers crossed.
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