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Orpheus with his lute made trees
And the mountain tops that freeze
  Bow themselves when he did sing:
To his music plants and flowers
Ever sprung; as sun and showers
  There had made a lasting spring.

Every thing that heard him play,
Even the billows of the sea,
  Hung their heads and then lay by.
In sweet music is such art,
  Killing care and grief of heart
  Fall asleep, or hearing, die.
Who is Silvia? What is she?
  That all our swains commend her?
Holy, fair, and wise is she;
  The heaven such grace did lend her,
That she might admirèd be.

Is she kind as she is fair?
  For beauty lives with kindness:
Love doth to her eyes repair,
  To help him of his blindness;
And, being help’d, inhabits there.

Then to Silvia let us sing,
  That Silvia is excelling;
She excels each mortal thing
  Upon the dull earth dwelling:
To her let us garlands bring.
O, how I faint when I of you do write,
Knowing a better spirit doth use your name,
And in the praise thereof spends all his might
To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame.
But since your worth, wide as the ocean is,
The humble as the proudest sail doth bear,
My saucy bark, inferior far to his,
On your broad main doth wilfully appear.
Your shallowest help will hold me up afloat,
Whilst he upon your soundless deep doth ride;
Or, being wrecked, I am a worthless boat,
He of tall building, and of goodly pride.
    Then if he thrive and I be cast away,
    The worst was this: my love was my decay.
Your love hanged me high
       And watched me sway
              A puppet with a master placed in a play
    *What if you go
      What if you stay?
         What does it matter to you anyway?

                          It's all written down and the stage is set
     The drama ensues and my lines are said
    As I choke
                 You pulled the string tight and cut all my ties but your rope never broke and those puppy dog eyes made me forget

             You feel so real this must be free will
              Your hand on mine is no more a guide than a dot is a line fingers long and divine purchase grip on my spine and I really start to shine a star with a mind all its own
    Super nova behind my closed eyes
     Your love is asphyxiation and gets me so high I can't breathe without it
               I'll never kick the habit
                    **I'm addicted to an addict
Walk away slowly
      Please don't run
    I'm still holding the gun
It's cocked
        And loaded....
Aimed at my temple
     Why didn't you listen?
The rules....
I handed you my heart
    Expecting you not to
        Break It!
You should've known it...
   I'm a ******* poet!
I can turn anything you say
     Into a **** ****** scene
Make you wish
      It was ALL A DREAM
But it's not
       And you're gone
I'm holding the trigger
          Thank God
I decided to use ink
      Instead of bullets...
Dreamlike yet not dream,
desires like semblance gleam.
Eyes open senses asleep,
in customized world I creep.
Body here mind in seclusion
where reality is as real as illusion.
My fine feathered friend
At the most inopportune moment
You come flying in
Creating havoc
Before you take leave
What is there to say


    You take the leap
    Fly off the handle
    Before time to think
    Take any situation
    To the utmost degree
    Where is your confidence

        The crazy train's set to leave
        You take to the tracks
        Before you digest what you see
        Reaching conclusions
        That only you heed
        You need to take a back seat
An awful advisor
That leaves you by yourself
Heartbroken and grieving
For what was not
For what was lost
For what it really was…
© Gabriela Abalo
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