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 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
You flooded me with false hope
And left me drowning in feelings
Thinking about how you and I
Could've been a we
With your lingering touches
You sparked lightning in my heart
And now it dances in my veins
Refusing to stop.
But you dont care that you are in my bloodstream
Because baby, I could light up the skies for you
And you wouldn't care to look.
Your laugh made me smile
In the most down of times.
I was the luckiest guy
To have called you mine.

Your hair was so soft,
Your eyes were so calm,
And your lips always tasted like
That special cherry lip balm.

When I was with you,
Everything felt right.
My favorite moments
Were when we would stay up all night.

All we did was talk.
There was no fighting.
We talked about everything.
While in the covers we were hiding.

We slept all day,
We were perfect from the start,
I just wish I could turn back time,
And redo my part.

I really did love you,
I wish you believed me,
Because maybe if we tried,
We’d still be cuddling.
 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
Sari Sups
I will never be able
To fully describe the way
The morning sun
Rises like your stuttered phrases
Yet my hands find their way
To yours,
Like flowers bending
To face the light.

— The End —