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I am red
so red, and blue
angry and lonely and missing you
mad at myself and my thoughts and this hell
I want to crawl out
so violent, so loud
how do I calm down
fuzzy purple, soft hues
trickling water and morning dew
I miss you, I still miss you!
my mind is a burst of orange and yellow
crazy, untamed, deep, shallow
dilated eyes and gasping mouths
hush hushed in dark browns
I get like this
different shades
I hurt like this
broken spades
don't let me fade
don't let me fade
grey, grey, grey, grey, grey, grey, grey, grey
oh, they dream
they dream by day
look at them
stood atop a field of daisies
always reaching so far,
like their hands could
break off at any moment
arms stretching to catch the wind
it's the only thing they'll trust
eyelashes fluttering,
ribs expanding, breathe, they keep breathing
they're drifting
don't stop them
don't tell them to come home
don't box them
don't let them know you feel alone
don't love them
aren't they beautiful?
aren't they broken?
please don't scare them
a drifter scared,
is a drifter lost
and yet again,
we've lost them

   I love you,                          I hate you
I scribbled in the       places where my
   tissue paper heart   should   be   full
      jigsaw puzzles made whole again
        poor broken hearts made new
          taped it to my battered chest
             regretted using black pen
               hindsight knows us best
           {==I let you back in again==>
                     picking  up  pieces
                        drying my eyes
                          a new  thesis
                            I won't cry
                      ­               .
 Oct 2016 ghost girl
Ann Beaver
Everything blue. Invisible.

Crashing, collapsing  
Gold swept away

The back again to stay the winter

Weathering stone to sand

Hand-in-hand to spring

*Soaking everything in gold
In blue
Graffed at the Dali museum in Monterey. Italics is my boo Dragon Lily
 Oct 2016 ghost girl
Mike Adam
 Oct 2016 ghost girl
Mike Adam
Fool and

Hello poets
 Oct 2016 ghost girl
4:06 Am
 Oct 2016 ghost girl
Like a melted puddle of cherry popsicle on hot asphalt; I want to lick you up. The sweet parts of you, and the ***** parts too.

I want to feel the grittiness between my teeth.
Give me the raw parts of you. The stayed up past 3 am parts of you. The I haven't combed my hair in days parts of you.

Like a breath of cold air in a Midwestern winter, let me breathe you in.
Let me absorb you like frozen snowflakes on my tongue.

Let me feel the warm parts of your heart, and the cold parts too.
I want to touch you, every inch of you.
Show me the scars, and the freckles on your skin.

Tell me the about the dark places of your head, and what keeps you up at night in bed.
I want your voice to fill my head, and to savor each word as it rolls off your sweet lips. A slight twang of an accent you don't notice, and don't know where you got it from.

But I do.
I notice. I notice every detail of your inches from head to toe. I notice your slight paranoia and the way you fix your hair.
I could observe you for an eternity and I wouldn't get bored.

I want you to eat me up inside.
I want you to leave a trace in every corner of my room.
I want my sheets to smell like you.
I want you to get to me.
And I want you to read this
on those nights you can't sleep.
I want it to get to you.
 Oct 2016 ghost girl
Andrew Lees
Idle talk and sullen hands and eyes askance at roses--
Nothing more plus something less makes zero, one supposes.

Dust to dust and flowers, well, the flowers dried to parchment
Scribed with future's promises -- in blood, then thrice discarded.

Once was for my labours tilling soil and shaping branches,
Another for the petals growing shells and shields and lances.

Third is wonders yet to come, beyond that yawns a darkness.
But death's concern is transient. We all must live, regardless.
This is a study in 14-syllable lines - dubbed 'fourteeners' (can't imagine why), they aren't very common now but were very popular in the Elizabethan era and I personally think they're all class. Provide a strong meter to draw the eye along (this one uses trochees) and they are lyrical, reflective and quite lively as they skip their way across the page.
Sinews and strands
Interwoven memories
Thoughts and dreams
Of both love and loss

Dark constellations
Bound in flesh and blood
The reality of self
Hidden behind consciousness

The only true way to know
Of one's existence
Is to peer deep down
Into the darkness

And find that wicker flame
Ever fragile and fading
A single light among the void
That is the human soul
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