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Lauren Leal Sep 2017
What is love while you think of another man
I think you need to revise your plan
It's not working out
Your past clarifies that no doubt
Take that step into loneliness
And you'd stop being such a mess
Accept yourself and all your flaws
Only then your glow will drop jaws
Stop believing your self-deception
Leave yourself, go alone, and face self-reflection
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
Here I am again
With paper and a pen
To simply think back to when
We dove into the lions den
Why aren't we amongst the flowers
Helping ourselves grow and discover our powers
But we took on the embrace of being villain
Your thoughts got ahead of you but you were willin
To lie and manipulate
Which gave room for my anger to demonstrate
Where did all the good time go?
Honestly, we'll never know
So back to my poetry I turn to face
To write out all my anguish and disgrace
  Sep 2017 Lauren Leal
i can put my thoughts down on paper
but when it comes to you i go blank
and my hands sweat
like the first time you held them
and i don't know how to tell you i miss you without hurting you anymore
  Sep 2017 Lauren Leal
Sara Jones
Dont tell me I'm beautiful.
Because all i can think of
Is that i have such an ugly personality.

How can you fall in love with a monster like me?
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
Apparently I sat in the devil's lap
Simple and lame
But it was disguised in your name
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
"The only words I head, speaking it's you I need."
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
The way I talk about you to my friends
Goes to show I never wanted to break ends
I sit here with a smoke and possible nap
Wishing I could take it in your lap
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