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Lauren J Dec 2014
What's ugly?
A crooked tooth,
a stray hair,
small zit,
an extra pound?
No, I will tell you what's ugly.
***** looks,
hateful words
and selfish actions.
Look in the mirror.
Makeup will only go so far to hide an ugly heart.
Lauren J Jul 2014
You're a happy invasion of my mind
Stampeding into my thoughts
Stumbling into my dreams
And owning all of my smiles.

Lauren J Jul 2014
Wasting away in front of white screens,
They forgot it all and what it means.
Trapped in a mindset of people beneath things.
Money over morals,
Power over compassion.
"Who cares about who is starving, it's about what's in fashion!"
Forget injustice beyond your immediate day-to-day,
Because people never care for an opposing opinion or what you really have to say.
Consumerism ate away our brains,
We work -work -work to buy,
Just as we have been trained.
Nothing can stop this generation from their fixation on the material *******.
Will it ever be enough?

WAKE UP.  remember what's important, when this world comes crashing down.
#consumerism #youth #awakening #minds
Lauren J Jul 2014
There is a comfort that lies within your arms.
Ripples of warmth,
Smiles in silence.
Light leaks through black curtains-
Tracing your face.
This transcendent bubble is my favorite place.
Kiss on my forehead, hand in hand,
My heart is happy
Within your arms.
#love #happiness #comfort #heart
Lauren J Feb 2014
Because I have had nothing, I am generous.
Because I have been mistreated, I am kind.
Because I have been lied to, I am honest.
Because I have been foolish, I am wise.
Because I have been hurt, I am happy.
Because I have made mistakes, I have succeeded.

Because I have endured, I am strong. ♥
Just a thought lately, hardship only defines character. -L
Lauren J Feb 2014
Women are like cars.
You've got new models, classics, clunkers, and the rare ones.
Some won't get you anywhere, some will crash and burn, and some will take you for the ride of your life.
Some have nice headlights and others have junk in the trunk. It's not just the body that counts, you've got to look what's under the hood too. That's the real power of her.
When you find the right one for you, you have to put work into things for them to run smoothly.
You have to try to fix things when they go wrong, you can't ignore it or she'll break down on you. That means regular maintenance and taking care of her. She can sometimes get overheated, you just have to patiently wait for her to cool down.
You have to turn her on and warm her up to get her going. ;)
And if you're really good to her, she'll always take you down the road you want to be.
Lol, more of analogy than a poem. I created this for my ex who was obsessed with cars and didn't understand women. Lesson learned, he always bought new cars before finishing the original project....heh.
Lauren J Sep 2013
Who he once was deteriorated away,
tubes and IV's interlocked with his frail frame.
With impractical faith we persisted,
and hoped he would respond to his name.

Infuriated with my uncertain Lord,
I begged and bargained,
my knees shaking on the tile floor.

A naive and scared child,
great hope had generated delusion.
until Doctor White Coat's unhappy news,
a stern and brutal intrusion.

Then a shadow was cast over her face
it was a sadness in her eyes.
I harbored her pain atop my own
as it radiated, she cried.

Death stole my mother's love-
I couldn't help but feel that loss
that difficulty keeping pace, taking breaths.
It was a lie to hold this cross.

Generic cards and casserole plates,
many faces of pity and "I'm sorry's"
that just couldn't relate.

I envied their laughter, their happy small talk,
passing strangers with contentment in their walk.

Sure they do not know or maybe they could not understand,
how much pain we felt.
For this loss- of a father, a husband-
abruptly pushed us under Fate's upper hand.
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