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Going to an all girls school,
the one thing that kept us
outside the gates of adulthood
was chain linked inside our mouths
made us all feel like we
were made of rusted nails
and anything that said we
couldn’t be touched

The day
a classmate had her braces removed
was the day she became a woman
**** a bat mitzvah or a period
An inviting smile gleaming
like ivory castles in a
new Facebook profile picture
meant she became everything
that was glory

By my junior year,
I was the only one left
with a mouth brimming
full of metal
I was just as awkward
as my smile
Grew so accustomed to
feeling alone in a sea of crowded
that I let myself become faceless
Avoided school dances
because I was convinced
my skin didn’t want to be held
But in all of this,
I ironically felt small for the first time
the day my braces came off

Felt myself sink in the
abundance of “Oh my god,
you’re so pretty now”
On a date with my middle school
crush, he licked the ridges
of my teeth as we kissed
Told me I became
“so hot” by senior year
This was when I realized
for the past 8 years
no one had ever
touched me with purpose
As if the day my teeth
became aligned with
everyone’s idea of beauty
then I was worthy of being stared at

modeling agencies wanted
to freeze frame all the firefly
sun bleeding out my face
My mouth became so fuckable
boys would tell me how good
I’d be at swallowing all of them
Girls, became nothing
but the chatter of crows
telling people pretty was
all my womanly bones
were good for

I started wanting to pull out my teeth,
one by one, hang them around
my neck then ask: “How much of a
wishing well does my smile
look to you now?”
So, don’t call me pretty
Call my mouth ******
Call me an open wound
made of honesty
I am everything mangled and crooked
I am everything vicious
I am the gap in my teeth
headgear couldn’t fix
Tell me I am a broken violin bow
when I speak my mind
I’ll tell you to shut up
as I become a
symphony of graceless rage
My words
a deliverance of
God’s best sermon
My soul
is the brightest firework
your open hands can try
catching but never will

When we’re taught as girls that
the only thing to aspire to as a
woman is having a desirable face
It makes my body want to wrap
itself in all that is ugly
So don’t ever call me pretty
As if my smile burning
golden like its own sun
depended on your compliments
I have always been night sky
crawling her way to morning
I have drowned here
I have survived here
I am nothing but a holy resurrection
of self love standing before you
knee deep in past insecurities
So, Remember that the next time you
want to compliment me
and call me miracle instead
I have been writing. Just not on here. Here you guys go.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
No one will play you like I did,
Honey bee.
You're fine, but you used to be great.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
I guess I wasn't worth a ****
I guess to you I never am
On and off
On and off
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
I guess I shouldn't throw a fit
I guess I should get over it
I guess you were a time bomb
I guess I knew I was wrong
I guess I should stop wishing now
I guess my heart is just too loud
I guess I knew you'd give up soon
I guess I will give you room
What I just don't understand is that you can really like someone one day and then be totally over them like a week later. I could never do tihat. I don't understand. Just don't. And when I actually thought I started to matter. I know, I know, I'm overreacting. I always do. But I don't need to be reminded.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Lani Foronda
Like you were the back of my hand.
Didn't have to think twice
Or wonder about what words to use.
But now I can't even put two and two together.
January 27, 2013
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Tark Wain
**** this wall
this godforsaken tower of bricks
with my every move and motion
the mountain stretches and shifts
I step right
it follows
I step back
it swallows
I turn my head up and wallow
at this wall that controls me
it's not that I can't move forward
it's just that I can't go anywhere else
this wall is just a road block
so I must get off this road
and where the new one will take me?
nobody knows
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
In life
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
I feel entitled to identify a
Full proof way to reason with
My peers and indulge in the
Dishonesty I see among my
Fellow cell mates in this place
We call home in order for a
More peaceful death in life.
 Aug 2014 Thoughtful
Ulric Reki
Wounds must heal!
heal the hurt, and bury our sorrows like bones,
deep inside the earth
drenched in centuries of blood;
Let us not know these things again!
Too much was lost in recompense,
so let the life we dreamed of,
take root with the mightiest trees,
inter-sowed with pure intentions
planted innocently, in the guise of something greater
outreached to a once blackened sky
the sun is the only fire left burning, now
burning with hope-
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