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You do not have

any other choice

than to

endure your destiny.

Sara Fielder © Dec 2023
Irrespective of station, be it doctor or pop star,
A singular destiny awaits, beyond the horizon afar.
The temporal journey's end, it shall conceive,
Leaving behind a mere vestige, in memory we believe.
In the grand tapestry of life, where dreams transpire,
All possessions, we hold, briefly do they aspire,
Transient treasures in our transient chest,
A poignant reminder, life's fleeting bequest
I'm sure I've killed things,

but I might not remember them all,

and at the time,

I rationalized the killing.

It's less complicated that way.

The fish, never went to waste.

The flies, need no justification.

That kick I gave the cat

I do feel bad about though.

Sara Fielder © Nov 2023
It's interesting when the person who don't love you, says dont make me to hate you ....
Am i overly sensitive or r PPL too expressive?
Being very much fluent in speaking..
Became fluent in being silent..
Time flies..
 Oct 2023 Landon Keys
Jme Love
I Wonder where
I Might wander to
If i had a friend or
two To wander Too
Words make me wonder. They really  make me think. Did i use it right or is it rite? How are we to know that a k in front of n o w will make the sound no but add a w to no and we have now. Thats the easy part. English is hard.
 Jun 2023 Landon Keys
where is the line
between optimism
and denial?

my gentle heart
feels a fool
I can tell you about ancient Chinese poetry
But I can't say anything about modern politics.

I learned long ago
The closer you get
To the Dragon's mouth
The more dangerous your life becomes.
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