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Stomach is empty
Emotion is empty
Mind is empty
Ink is empty
This poem is empty
It's been heard I'm adequate with words
If only they knew,
they knew less
than the full

It's been said I'm blithe, articulate
I'm pleasant at that
That I have
and want not's

In the end, I'm worth forlorn words, no more
In the end, my has-been charm goes dead weight
In the end, I'm your additive to the dull days
In the end, my gains come from a snake's tongue

In the end,
I'm nothing
but words
for reading

black lies
on the white light
of a flat screen

In the end,
I've nothing
but words
beneath me
beneath me

Beneath me twists and turns the caverns where my heart grows.
I call it art to your face, when I'm a broker by trade.
You won't know that you trade, you won't see that I sell myself.
You won't feel the hidden strings on your cervical
spine until you've given your food, four walls, window and door,
given your love to a dead duck scanning for escape.
at certain things, i excel
but in doing them i hurt myself
The moon is out and it's shining through all of us
Revealing all we have yet to keep in secret

This fine Friday night will exploit all that we wish to
written 13 October 2017.

by The Lenora.

All rights reserved.
My cries I cry are like a song,
A sweet, coded melody;
So right and so wrong.

My pain is dated and weighted and strong,
And it turns my cries into
An enchanting song.
written  25 June 2017.

by The Lenora.

All rights reserved.
 Oct 2017 Lady Misfortune
She met many people in her life.
Some became her friends
Others became so close to her.

But, during her hard times
She neither got a shoulder to cry on
Nor a body to hug her to console
She was all alone....

Her parents fought
While she, alone in her darkroom
At a corner, shedding pearls
From her beautiful wide eyes......

She let her problems out of her heart
With all these pearls falling out....

They say , crying is weakness
And yes, she was weak
Weak to fight for some happiness....

Her parents never knew her
And what she was going through
They cared about their ego and pride
They never wanted to lose an argument .
Both wanted to win their claims.

Maybe they'd won their fights
But they fail to realise the fact,that
With every arguments
They're losing their daughter.

They'd given everything she wanted
But failed to devote happiness...
Which she craved for.....
Which she wished for......

They believed
Money could recover happiness
For their daughter
Did it even made her happy?

Slowly, she closed her eyes
Hoping everything will be alright  soon.

Nevertheless, its going to be
The same as always..........
This is something  which is very close to my heart. And I should thank to the person who helped me.
I am just a little girl
I'm naive and confused
I like to fly and to swirl,
but my sky is bound.

I was so flushed yesterday
A boy called me 'sweetie'
I said to my mom 'go away'
Because she thinks I'm still a baby.

Mom, I really like him
Truly, he's good looking
He's the cutest, I’m not dim!
    No baby, it's the right time for schooling.

After school,
Hey handsome, lovely dude
I've to break up with you, that's all
Please, don't get me wrong, don't be rude.
     Huh, I loved you, love you still, always will…

I'm editing a friend's essay
But at the moment I'm messy.

I couldn't sleep well last night
Oh my gosh, just woke up!
I have to go to school, right?
Midterms are coming up…
Seize the day
I thank the Lord
For making it that way

I wake ready to start my day
A clean slate listening to Gods will
Clear minded with much to say

I walk the dogs each day
They are ready to explore
Sitting by the door in their special way

I praise God for giving me today
30 shades of green a tranquil walk
Visiting the neighbors, dog do talk

The return home is the same each day
The dogs walk slower wanting to run and play
Fresh air, wind in my ,hair without a care

Creative juices flowing, I walk and pray
Rejuvenated and ready
To start my day

This came to me while walking the dog. I live at the base of a mountain quiet tranquil spiritual I am blessed to start my days with such splendor
don't rely
on your
or your
or your
because when
you're older
and you're walking
down the street
people won't see you
as a young
beautiful man
or woman.
they will see you
as an old man
or woman
so treasure your heart
and treasure your mind
and never
let them go.
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