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On the way home
I saw a yellow house
With a picket fence
It had a light in the window
No one's ever there
On the way home
I caught a butterfly
On my finger
On the way home
Yesterday I  saw a turtle crossing the street
On the way home
I thought about would our paths ever meet
On the way home
I lost the best friend I ever had
When her boyfriend told her he liked me better than her
On the way home
Someone yelled out their car window at me
I want say what was said
But I wasn't offended
On the way home
I grew weary from the long walk
Took a detour to get a drink
Not much longer to go now
It's getting closer
I'm on my way home
Broken by society
Wounded by voices
Hurt by those closest to me
Frightened by the inner me
Chosen to lead
Equipped for war
Standing at a cross road
Shield in hand
Fighting off the enemy that be
And it's me
You’re the other half
I didn't know I was missing
 May 2015 elizabeth capital
What more can wishes do
But to state the obvious?
I wish I can hold you.
I wish I can tell you it'll be okay and fight to the very end.
I wish I can tell you how much you really mean to me.
I wish I can tell you I love you.
I wish I can kiss you.
I wish I can show you why its worth it to live.
I wish I can somehow show you the world.
I wish I can bandage you wounds.
I wish I can wipe away your tears.
I wish,
I wish,
I wish.

All wishes.

The nicest thing
By kate nash
maybe my body
is just a vessel
destined to be filled
with the glories of your love

maybe this vessel
has been filled by too many
and the thought of topping it off
with your love
your compassion
scares the hell out of it
Who are you?
I'm curious to know
You read what I write
As though you care
Didn't know my thoughts
Would generate such a following
I honestly try to convey
What my heart speaks
Listen closely now
And you might just hear my heart beat
Just curious about the people who read and like what I write.
Everyday I hear their cries
The homeless of the street
A people
A mom
A dad
A sister
A friend
Someone's child
Losing their minds
Wouldn't you?
Wealth is in abundance here
This shouldn't be
Cry, cry me a river
For the lost souls
That hoard their money
And close their eyes, their ears
To those less fortunate
I am but one vessel calling out
To the masses
Do what you can
Help those you see
Lying in the street
If only just to say a prayer
Do that, for goodness sake
A new thing has happened, a new consensus reached, new wise men crying out in the streets. A message as strange, as it is bold, conveyed to those who are of yet not very old, spreading like fire to those who desire it.
A wisdom that fills the mind with understanding, and the heart with wrath, they no longer desire the common path, a small few among many, the trail blazers rise.
The wise see through the facade, leaving the lies for  the fools, and the pawns, they see the existence with no purpose that the masses adore, In ignorance they find peace, in the lack of knowledge they are content.
A lie no different from the last is enough to throw a life away without regret, blindly excepting whatever is presented as a worthy cause.
An absence of knowledge, and a surplus of faith, spiraling towards an unavoidable fate.
To many times forgotten
To many times passed up
By the very ones you reached out your hands
Helping pull them up
To many times thank you never came your way
To many times frowned upon for doing what was right
And not what was popular
The ones closest to you may not ever tell
How much they appreciate you for your help
Those words may not ever come from their lips
I personally have seen and experienced
The kind of person that you are
I know what family means to you
So on  behalf of those you help
For all those you drop by to see about
I say to you
Thank you
Keep up the good work
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