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 Feb 2016 N Paul
 Feb 2016 N Paul
A tilted painting
A closed door
Smiles stare at me
Taunting me
Teasing me
And I just smile
Knowing they can't do anything
But I can
My words can stop them
My lines flowing from this pen
And I stand there
And just speak
Their smiles fade to focused grins
And my focused grin
Fades into a smile
They disappear
A flawless painting
An open door
A blank room stares back at me
Greeting me
Welcoming me
And I just smile.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Eliza Fairchild
It's true,
we're all just
seeking warmth
and carbon dioxide.
Let a body be
and you'll see.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Pastell dichter
My poems are like night and day.
One happy the next sad.
One full of hope and light.
The next one dark and depressing.
Night and day.
Light and dark.
Hope and agony.
There is no in between.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Liam C Calhoun
I’d imagined twilight
Dripping like gentle strokes
Atop a canvas we’d thrown out,
Out window hours ancient – a, “light’s off,”
And shadow’s play,
Bitten lips and muffled pant;
The secret that’d eat, masticate,
*****, gorge atop more
And add to the first eternity knowing "end."

So the stars fell, “twinkle-tap-tap,”
For planets break, dust and tear
Atop our pillow post-ecstasy,
An only accomplishment and still
Breathing this only and
Remaining lonely’d thought,
“The other’s still right;”
Could I be so very wrong?

And she leaves with part of me upon back,
An ink wrought celebration of years later,
And imagined, the pour, not poor,
But immortal retreat
Born my buying one ticket
And later romp awry Reynosa;
The rattle of tequila, pool-***** and pockets,
Sweet, sweet, “Lenore,”
And the home she’d promised,

The home we eventually abandoned.
Lenore, as gentle as the wind, as light as a feather; I wonder where it was the breeze delivered her. I imagine her smile in the morning sun, her son, playing in the yard. I smile in reminiscence whilst pondering this new shore I've happened upon; guilty, come fear and echoes of gallantry. The world would never let me go.
We take what we want when we need,
a motto I thought we shared
jumping around your living room
singing out to our favorite song,
But you forgot to tell me what you took
and who you took it from.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
nico papayiannis
The fallow field
the desert in my mind
the wind that blows
renders me blind

No crops no life
just dust and weeds
into this barren landscape
my inspiration bleeds

The smell of the inert
lays heavy in the air
amidst the inhospitable
I am chained to a chair

The soil the earth
these misty plains of misconception
microbes of madness mutate
tumbleweed tightens the anticipation

No creatures roam
the rivers dry bed
and as forests die
their screams fill my imploding head

A green pasture oasis
a summer rainfall to tease the synapses
right before my tired eyes
the hallucination perfectly collapses

The fallow field
the vastness within
no sooner does it end
then it starts to begin
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