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Kumli Sep 2018
My name on your tongue, once sweet now bitter.
The only embrace in my dreams.
It's in my dreams that I feel your breathe,
your touch & your whisper once more.
Dreaming is as close as I get to being with you again.
Kumli Jan 2018
My past lovers care no more,
but I still hold on thinking.
Will they ever come back
and say they love me to the core?

A wave of nostalgia begins to pour.
Leaving me weak.
I swirl into a wave of emotions and despair.
My past lovers care no more
but I still hold on thinking.
Will they ever come back
and say they love me to the core?

Maybe so, Maybe not.
But do you really care anymore?

  Nov 2017 Kumli
There is a strange
Tingly sensation
In my stomach
When you are near
And when you speak to me
Or touch me
A sensation often described as butterflies
But they are not pure enough
To be butterflies
Because I know you don't feel them as I do
So they are moths
Because they are crowding your light
Moths in my stomach
Flying up
And up
And up
Through my windpipe
Choking me
And trying to reach you
And your blinding
Fluorescent light
Kumli Jul 2017
I don't want to be strong anymore, I really don't.
Being repressive of my emotions because I'm always trying to be strong.
I want to be weak for once, know how it is to selflessly give yourself as though your life depends on it.
Allow infatuation to blur and blind my decisions,
Merely for the thrill of leaving weak this once.
Kumli Apr 2017
I don't know,
I really don't ******* know.
what did they ever do to deserve such?
They didn't need to do anything.

My mind stayed conflicted between them, or me.
I'm not that selfish, neither am I that selfless.
So I went with me, but here I am wishing that...
I had been selfless this once.
Kumli May 2016
It's definitely a ripe feeling to be infatuated. Day by day watch yourself strip your freedom for this person. As your loyalty and thoughts are all stripped off of you for this one person. Indeed, it's the most rarest state of mind that one never really expects to hold.
Kumli Apr 2016
At that point it felt like I new myself and I had come to terms with myself. Then the words shouted straight from her lungs shattered me. The one that bore you curses at your name. It is quite a shame to say. But maybe the ones who claim to love you with no bounds should be reconsidrered twice and the ones that say they'll love you endlessly should be reconsidered to fade from the frame.
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