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 Jul 2020 Khyati
Grace Spellman
i reread your letters today
the ones where you compliment my smile and promise you’ll never leave
some tears rolled down my cheek and smothered the ink
i can tell since you wrote em your heart’s started to shrink
I just wanna know what happened to the person that used to write those letters for me.
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Hey love
I really missed uhh
I missed the chats
The desperation and
the never ending laughs
You got something magnificent
And I can't help myself
Attracting towards uh

I am just a small piece of iron
Which is craving for
That magnet

Do uh feel the same
Do uh put the same amount
Of efforts
Cuz I do
And all I have to say is
I am struggling

It's only your time
that I need
It's your love
That my heart begged for
It's only uhh
That make me complete

But in the end I know
I am just a
Small piece of iron
which could detach anytime
Anytime I can experience a fall
Anytime I can be broken
But still I wanna enjoy
The little moments of
Attachment with uhh.......
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Summer trip
 Jul 2020 Khyati
She keeps reminding me
Only till the end of summer
Why don’t I believe her?
The calendar feels like it
Should have already been flipped
Will I really get to see them at the end of
Will the freedom have been
Worth it?
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Traci Sims
( Devoted to "Naked Athena", the brave young woman who faced down, stark naked, unmarked federal agents during a Portland, Oregon protest rally, July 22, 2020)

Born from the mind of resistance
Willow-built, her body arrow-straight and proud
She gazed at the arrogant wall before her.
Life and Death coalesced to a single fiery point of exquisite vulnerability and
the universe held its breath and gaped.
They shot her for her presumption anyway and
she raised her bleeding foot, unconsciously imitating
scores of yogis, saints, and freedom fighters,
Their love supporting her through thought alone.
And then she sat before her enemy
opening her body, inviting their hate...
And they ran.
Like rats.
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Eshwara Prasad
Want to control your

Monkey mind?

Don't feed thoughts

to it.

Strangulate it with

 Jul 2020 Khyati
 Jul 2020 Khyati
so tell me
when the lights burn low and the music fades
do you still like who you’ve become?
part of my "fragments" series where I'm posting the drafts of poems that I've tried to finish but can't
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Eshwara Prasad
Body dies only once

Mind several times....
footprints in the sand
       confirmation I exist
washed away
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