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Stocked up, locked up
In my sanctum *******.
Got *** and cigs and cheap wine;
For me that makes a quorum.
I hope no friend comes by
Acting all hale and hearty.
They're not inside a moment
Then they call up Dial A Party.

Then suddenly my place
Plays host to all the bums
Who have nothing else
But the strength to come
And just sit on my couch
And then eat up all my food
Drink all of my *****
While slurring words like “Dude!”

Now, I'm not anti-social
But I am not Donald Trump
Who has plenty of cash
To entertain these humps.
If they only brought something;
A six-pack or some ****
I'd find an excuse for them;
Some lame reason or need.

So, these days I read
And keep the stereo off.
I don't turn on the lights.
Hell, I don't even cough.
I hide out in the bedroom
Just me and Sam *****,
Seriously reconsidering
The kind of friends I've made.
 Jan 2016 Kennedy Woodard
 Jan 2016 Kennedy Woodard
I'm not this emotional, depressed girl
Not a suicidal sorrowful girl either
I'm a girl who is dealing with my past
The best I can, and maybe my past isn't that bad
Maybe it's not something to dwell on
All I know is that it's affected me
And I'm dealing with it one way or another
Idk sometimes I think my past isn't all "that bad" and that I've had a normal life, but then again I mean from what I hear people tell me the things I've been through aren't really normal. How am I supposed to know idk. Maybe I'm sad and affected for no reason, maybe what's happened is normal after all and I'm just pitifully not coping with it. I really have no idea and it bothers me.
It is my theory
that we are all connected.
From the thread around your finger
to the ribbon on her wrist
and the rope tightened on my neck.
Every action has a consequence,
because when you pull on the string;
*something unravels.
 Aug 2015 Kennedy Woodard
"When I was a kid, I would get these headaches, and I went to the doctor, and they said that I needed glasses. I get the glasses, and I put them on, and I'm in the car on the way home, and suddenly I yell. Because the big green blobs that I had been staring at my whole life, they weren't big green blobs. They were leaves on trees. And I didn’t even know I was missing the leaves. I didn't even know that leaves existed, and then...leaves! You, you are my glasses. You showed me something I didn't know existed. You are my glasses."
Erica to Callie/ Greys Anatomy
 Aug 2015 Kennedy Woodard
At some point you have to make a decision
Boundaries don't keep other people out,
They fence you in.
Life is messy, that's how we're made.
So you can waste your life drawing lines
Or you can live your life crossing them
A quote from Meredith Grey//Greys Anatomy
I could speak words to
Convince you to love me
As I would like you to.
But I care too much
To let you be
With a creature
As hideous as me
Blend or change, cover up or rearrange?
Act dumb or smart, old friends or part?
Explore or hide, work hard or slide?
Be yourself.

Who am I to say what can or cannot be?
Who am I to let the noise of the world carry on without my voice?
Still I have that desire to spill my emotions out of me
like a jar of marbles on a beat-up driveway.

Everything is a challenge, everything is a race.
We are all getting tired, we are going our own pace.
Now, it's our own journey, we take our own course,
Reinventing our own person, not someone else anymore.

Discovery is near, it's just around the corner. Catch it.
You are so close .

I've taken the leap, and ripped off my mask.
I just wanted to meet you, is that too much to ask?

In a society like ours we are hopelessly secluded.
People run around unhappy and overworked,
Losing sight of what makes life worth it.
We are all worth it.

Life is like a set of cracked water colors,
Experiencing the creation of beautiful art.
Though life seems like a ritual of the mundane,
and the motto "keep calm and carry on"
being, stressed, unhappy, and waiting to enjoy life.

Life is the golden sunset we all see on the horizon from time to time,
making everything beautiful.

Because everyone is hiding, looking, searching, believing,
loving, living, needing, giving, LIFE.
I have kept a poetry notebook since 7th grade. This notebook contains many poems, and for a High School Poetry Slam I collected my favorite lines from a variety of my poems to make this one title 'Life'.
If she saw the world
through rose colored glasses,
I saw the world as a raindrop
falling from a storm cloud.
I like to fall in love with strangers
Because it teaches me to be
Comfortable in the idea of giving a
Piece of myself to someone new

I’m no stranger to disappointment
And I know this takes a lot of trust
But I’ll never see them again
So, I know they won’t let me down
I am not alone.

but I am sitting here with no company to keep
and so I feel lonely

I am not ugly.

but still I stare at this reflection as if it will change
and so I don't feel all that pretty

I am not stupid.

but here I am questioning what the hell is wrong with me
and so I feel inferior

I am not crazy.

but here I am.
and again.

I am questioning everything that is me

from the fabric I am wearing to the very fabric of my being
I am laying powder and sprouting mountains

I am surrounding myself with negativity
and somehow I am feeling so alive when I know I shouldn't be

I am not happy.

and I can say everything that I am not
but I can not figure out what I am feeling

I am not okay.

But my heart is beating
and so I keep trying
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