With due admiration , and peaceful contemplation , rediscover your portion of Earth in meditative resolve , your heartbeat in metronomic cue with each gust of wind , nostrils filled with the pure love of creation . Poetry , music and color transformed into audible serenity , the spoken word caress of woodland hands will resonate and envelope the very machinations of your creative soul . Caressing your face , blue whispers of parallel life continuance , yellow songbirds shall attune the warmth from a loving star ..
Let Eros complete every sentence , answer every question , color the natural world before you and direct every step .
Troubled sleep , insidious dreams and anger placed in permanent repository , transformed into prudent fruit ripened cautiously on the vine .
Copyright December 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Clinical Depression cannot be cured but it can be contained at times .. This has helped me conquer the mind numbing drugs on occasion ! Godspeed tranquility to you as well !!