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One Winter’s evening
Hurrying home from work,
The North wind whistled at her
And she a married woman!

She slowed
She glanced about
She slowed some more
She stopped.

She turned down her collar
And took the scarf from her neck
She closed her eyes
And allowed the wind to blow its wicked way with her

Bold as you like the ***** homeward rushes
But walking through the door
She cannot hide her blushes.
I won’t make you choose between me and you
It’s not fair considering all we’ve been through
And although I know this is out of the blue
I hope you know that i’ve missed you too.

It seems I’ve had one foot out the door
And in the beginning I know you felt more
But time has since past with its endings galore
So here I am, alone, walking along the shore

Listening to the waves crash upon the land
I’m reminded that heartbreak will never be planned
But much like the sea loves kissing the sand
I will forever miss holding your hand
Like the morning sun at the crack of dawn,
I grace the world with a friendly yawn.
My day has started, the blankets are drawn.
I rise.

Standing up out of my bed,
My PJ's on, a messy head.
A busy day is planned ahead.
I rise.

My day comes with a plan for fun
The sun in my eyes causes a stun
I do not waver, instead I run.
I rise.

I go for lunch, in my head I dig
For certain plans, but nothing to big.
I'm trying not to be a pig.
I rise.

I finish the day, and head straight home.
A happy head, and a heart full of chrome.
You'd think it was a party that has been thrown.
I rise.

I come back to bed, just to rest.
Another day I have been blessed.
I stow away in my little nest.
I rise.

And my dream is over, but I stay in bed.
"I wish there was a reason to get up," I said.
I don't have a reason to, but what do I do instead?
I rise.
mean nothing
when the action

maybe if you loved me
i could finally rest my head
on a white pillow
"i adore you"
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