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Forgiveness is a fickle friend
Granting second chances
Giving hope for future changes
Building us up after we've torn each other down

But receiving it is somehow harder than gifting
Acknowledging that yes, you do need forgiveness
You've messed up and it's time to own up

Somehow it's harder than apologizing
Because with an apology you have the comfort of confession
but with forgiveness you have only the journey back to trust

Decisions, decisions, trust or patience?
Earning or forgetting?
We have to choose one or the other
And yet either can be harder than the other
as easy as they seem to choose from
Enacting them remains a long hard journey,
or an easy forgetting of why you needed forgiving in the first place

Remember, remember, mistake or malice?
Anger or sorrow?
We are responsible for one or the other
and yet either is as hurtful as the other
As evil as one seems over the other
Enacting them leads to a long hard journey
or a heated retraction of care of the ones whom forgave you in the first place

Loving, loving, choice or chemical?
Lusting or caring?
We can always prioritize one over the other
and yet one is not necessarily better or worse than the other
As shallow as one seems over the other
if either piece was missing
there would be no forgiveness in the first place.
Shattered dreams become
glass shards beneath our bare feet
on roads we must walk.
"Tickle me! Tickle me!" says the sky,
And the wind plays with my hair.

- LynnAA
It's okay not to be so rich.
It's okay not to be so pretty.
It's okay not to be so ****.
It's okay not to be so smart.

It's okay not to have a beautiful hair.
It's okay not to be tall.
It's okay not to be cute.
It's okay not to be cool.

It's okay not to speak english fluently.
It's okay not to have many friends.
It's okay not to watch movies everyday.
It's okay not to travel around the world.

It's okay not to have many shoes & clothes.
It's okay not to own a car.
It's okay not to have a big house.
It's okay not to have a million.

It's okay not to be organized always.
It's okay not to have the latest iPhone.
It's okay not to sing & dance well.
It's okay not to have a gf/bf.

It's okay not to have your fave coffee everyday.
It's okay not to eat at the restaurant.
It's okay not to go to mall more often.
It's okay not to know stock market.

However, it's not okay not to fight for your dreams.
Settle for what you really deserve. Be you. Keep dreaming. Act.
Tunnel vision
The camera eye lens
Blind sighted
The directions
We're in
Of the press
Who's point of view
Do you like best?
What do you
Suffer from less
Social or economical

But never blind
The one percent
Are on my mind
Traveler Tim
You can twist
My heartstrings
In a somersault display
Spiral through my being
Fill me with your rays

You can flood my soul
Hold me in your beam
I am but a shooting star
In your gravity
Traveler Tim
I want to paint a picture with words
So you can see what I see.
Let you see all of the art work
That hides here inside me.
The darks and the lights that glisten
I want to share colors and shapes
And the music, so you can listen.
They make up my internal landscape.

My canvas is time, sight and sound
And the aromas of my world.
I want you to see the way the smoke
And all the clouds get curled.
The hills and the valleys have views
That make you want to be there.
The trees and the flowers delight;
All inside my memories somewhere.

The stories would keep you transfixed,
And the people, creatures of fascination
Would make you laugh or maybe cry
If you could only see my imagination.
I am using rhyme and meter to depict
As the artist in me articulates dismay
That these simple words must transmit
As I can only tell you about it this way.
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