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I literally felt the ground being swept away from under my feet.
I had no balance and nothing to hold on to
I couldn't even see anything to cushion my fall
It all happened so quickly

I felt like I just jumped out of a plane with no parachute
My body was in free fall and I couldn't control it
The faster I fell the less visible the ground was
Yet in all this I had no fear

I was calm I was content
I was where I wanted to be
I was where I needed to be
Uncertain of my landing yet I felt like I was home
Black blood drools
From the bleeding rooster
The tip of its beak
Lets feelings become super.

Etched in blots
Eternally a stone
Mighty soundless arches
Held up by keystone.

"Well?" flap volumes
Attract a foolish stare
"Can you find within me-
A jagged set of stairs?"

Close the cover nigh
And think about the pen
A dusty fellow punkin' head
Speaks through the bleeding hen.
Tucked away in the crevices of my mind,
Are shades of sorrow you left behind.
Memories of joy and sweet contentment,
Innocent of hate and bitter resentment.
Initiating as friends who desired affection,
Enthralled by lust and blind to speculation
From those whom regarded it all "too soon",
To prove them right and close in June.

Six months of sweet, indolent days,
Precious as the next due to the simple way
Your presence alone kept me elated,
Your revered wit held me captivated.
The moments we shared basking in the sun,
Or curling with the kittens - equally as fun.
The hushed inertia of our days spent together
Was not irksome and dull but treasured forever.

I can adopt adjectives, embellishments and rhyme,
In the child-like hope they may turn back time.
I can exhaust poetry as a means to say
That I miss you more each day.
But should you read this, I pray you must know
That the colourless wave of self-pity and woe
Brightens and shallows with every passing day,
And that our precious moments are pocketed away
In the warm embrace of my broken heart,
Slowly mending now that we are apart.
Like a phoenix rising from ash-glistened coal,
I will grow from the embers and rejuvenate my soul.
I will rise again and start anew,
And cherish the days I shared with you.
This is a tribute to someone who left me recently. I am not bitter or resentful but grateful for our time together. Writing this has helped me to mend and move on, and realise that some paths are meant to cross.
The caterpillar is busy doing its job
Gorging away at the leaves
It has the duty to grow rapidly
Chrysalis gives it a new identity
A beautiful butterfly comes to life
The known faces of felony
Shockingly, trampling trust
Heinous minds at work
Annihilating the sanctity
Of relationships blatantly
Known faces, yet strangers
Encroaching on innocence
Putting out the flames of hope
Even before it lights up the world
Love is in ruins
Kneeling for mercy
Strangulated hopes
Fiefdom of tyranny
Silent weeps of soul
At the altar of Love
There is remorse
Stranded humanity
Devils show no remorse
Love is in ruins
Where he said he’d meet
You, on the beach, Lake
Michigan. But he

Never showed; you just
Waited until the
Tide went out and the

Sun lowered itself
In the sky like a
Fat lady on her

Chamber ***. There were
Few people on the
Beach, even less when

You realized that he
Wasn’t going to
Come and turned for home.

You’d worn your new coat
And hat, had your hair
Done, your face made up,

All for that. Him not
Showing. The wind blew
At your clothes, lifting

The hem of your long
Dress, revealing your
Ankles and shoes. You

Watched the sea and wide
Horizon, waiting
Patiently, smelling

The sea salt, hearing
The roar of waves on
The sandy shore. Still

He never showed up.
Never came, despite
His kind promises,

Despite all the hot
******* the day
Before. All lies it

Seemed, him, his soft words,
And his deep blue eyes,
Deceiving beneath

The shell. There was a
Chill, a biting of
The flesh, a nipping

Of the thin fingers;
But hope was still there
Inside, despite all

That, like smoke hangs in
The still dry air, like
An echo lingers.
A woman and the lover who never showed. (Old poem)
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