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katie Mar 2018
as my sun sets, yours begins to arise
my lights get dimmer by the hour
while yours revive

as my moon awakens, yours prepares to descend
my surroundings steadily grow calmer
while yours unsuspend

even though our distance extends miles,
the moment we gaze above the mayhem around us
is when we are both looking at the same sky

the scenery may appear a bit different,
but when i tilt my head upwards to the stars
i feel that you are doing the same

so to my one and only,
whenever you feel alone or empty
just glance up at the wonders in the sky

because i am also doing so
"when my sun sets, your moon rises"
katie Mar 2018
anyone would be lucky to have you
as you are the light amongst the darkness
the good in the midst of all the evil
and the diamond surrounded by stones

you may think you’re a speck in the crowd
but you are one in a million
a rose dripping with traces of gold
a sun radiating warmth and serenity

no one could ever replace you
because the space you occupy would not be the same
without you there is no rain in the drought
and no order in the neverending chaos

you may think you’re an ordinary one
but you are one in a million
the best of the best
and i just want you to remember that
to the boy who lights up my world
katie Mar 2018
let's meet when the spring arrives
when the cherry blossoms bloom
and the weather eases up

when our worries diminish
and the sun sets gently on the horizon
that is when we may taste serenity

the moment your arms wrap around me
and you whisper sweet nothings
maybe then we will be content

because the spring welcomes new beginnings
and one of them is you and i
happy first day of spring, everyone
katie Mar 2018
with his hair styled back all neat
his eyes bounding universe and galaxies
and the freckles on his face animating his emotions

he wrote down words and read them aloud
focusing on his enunciation and delivery
as if his next moments depended on it

he dressed for the occasion in fancy attire
sipping on a glass of water
awaiting the answer he yearned for

in the end i told him i would do the same
that i would always be on his side
and that he was my answer to everything

the joy overtook every inch of his face
his smile appearing grander than the cosmos
and he was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen
we’ll be alright
katie Mar 2018
you’re a golden boy
with sunshine in your heart
and stardust in your palms

you light up the world
simply by sharing your wonder
and spreading the light you possess

like a flower on a spring day
you blossom bolder than before
revealing your beauty and strength

all of me could never equate
because half of you is more than enough
to fill the spaces that this universe gathers

you are the missing piece in everything
the love songs, the bitter coffee, and so on
and you hold the power to complete them

so spread that magic throughout
and show them what you can do
because all of me is less than half of you
you’re responsible for giving me all of this inspiration
katie Mar 2018
the sun woke me up this morning
the warmth reminding me of your skin
and how we were pressed upon each other
the blankets shielding us from reality

the tea at breakfast kept me awake
the tingle in my throat as i swallowed
taking me back to the moments you took my breath away
in all of the best ways possible

the wine at dinner eased my mind
i remember you said you’d always be on my side
those words almost preserving my existence
like nothing could shake me ever again

the moon greeted me before i slept
the stillness of the night bringing me back
to the moment you told me you loved me
darling, my days are all filled with you
to the man i’ve always loved
katie Mar 2018
i had a dream one night
but unlike the ordinary ones i get,
you appeared right in front of my eyes

for those brief moments in my slumber,
there was this unparalleled connection
that i have never once felt before

how can a sentiment be that powerful
if we had never once met each other,
not to mention the fact that we're far apart

do soulmates truly exist for each and every person?
or do we tell ourselves they do to feel less lonely?
that is a question that i have yet to answer myself

but nothing else can explain what that dream made me feel
is there really someone out there for each of us?
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