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1.7k · Oct 2013
La fragancia de ti
Me husmeas y me dejas
Oliendo a ti, Al sabor de tus besos
en mi boca
Pero te vas, siempre te vas
Siento que te pierdo
Porque ya no estas
Y si quisieras te podrias quedar
Pero te vas, dejando una parte de ti en mi
De la cual no me puedo safar
Y es tu aliento que invade mi interior
Atada me siento a un aroma
A cada olor de tu cuerpo
Y puedo estar comiendo y
Me acuerdo al sabor de lengua
Aquel dia que olvide tu fragancia
Ese dia olvidare mi infancia.
1.4k · Jan 2013
Worlds Apart
We're Two Worlds the Same
But miles apart
Time has reunited us
and Separated still keeps us
I feel you closer than anyone
and farther away from everyone
No matter what I do, I can't be with you
The space between us is so wide
and it deepens with the sunrise
My heart aims to see you everyday
Yet I don't Know if you feel the same way
Shadows come and buildings rise
But I dont see you eye to eye
Hopefully someday I get to see your eyes
Or maybe realize we're worlds apart.
1.4k · May 2014
Crappy Cafeteria
You make me want to Throw up
Your food is so bad I might choke and die
With Disgusting flavors and smells
Suddenly, I don't feel so well
Food is suppose to be Enjoying
Not like the one you serve, Its annoying
I cant stand thinking you could earn money
Out of the awful food you Serve.
Please, go to hell
Food is suppose to be good, not bad
Otherwise I wont buy.
Goodbye and farewell,
To your food from hell
I wont eat it never again
Please Lord..
They make the worst hamburger in the world
This gotta stop
You have to change the food
You ruined my adulthood

1.3k · Feb 2013
Lo Que Entiendo Hasta Ahora
A veces las cosas no salen como queremos,
Los tropiezos se hacen rutina
Las lagrimas se convierten en ríos,
y los oceanos de alegría se secan.
Con el tiempo nos damos cuenta de que
no siempre hay un final feliz como
en las peliculas,
no todos tenemos la vida resuelta,
Personas que estaban , ya no estan
Lugares que conociamos parecen desconocidos,
pero la vida sigue hacia donde?
Nadie sabe.. Lo que si se es que aprendemos, a ser mas fuertes,
a luchar contra lo que sea, a pelear como un samurai
a mirar hacia delante y aunque a veces miremos hacia
tras, a voltear la mirada.
A buscar libertad aunque sea prohibida y la paz aunque sea escasa.
A perdonar a quien no merece y a ver lo bueno en las personas
que de verdad se preocupan por ti.
A no ser exigente y aceptar el momento y ser feliz con el pedazo de pan diario.
A buscar conocimiento en un lugar vacio,a hacer preguntas ,
a no ocultar las dudas, A questionar nuestro alrededor,
a estar firmes en lo queremos y a no saciarnos con la mediocridad.
Y lo mas importante a ser quien eres..
Arriesgarte y pararte al frente de tus miedos y seguir caminado hacia el cielo.
1.3k · Jan 2013
Feeling Lost Without You
Days go by and still I think of you,
I wish I could hate you and erase you
I thought I've felt love before,
But like this I'm not sure
Dreaming about you, even when I don't want to
Feeling like I wanna see you when I don't have to
The thing is I don't want you,
But my heart keeps remembering all this **** about you
All I think about is when will I be free from
Feeling like this absence has marked me
I want to remember the bad things,
I want to not feel like I want you back to me
Time passes and nothing changes,
Silently in love and lost without you.
1.1k · Aug 2013
Destiny is a *****
She comes and gives you a high and then says goodbye
She gives you the time of your life
But then you realize It was just a lie
Makes you find what you’re looking for
But leaves you wanting for more
Her timing *****.
Even though the memories were great
You wonder if they’ll ever happen again
I don’t know if it’s all worth it to see you
And leave you
To have this feeling, to feel like I’m living
If I cant have you, if you don’t want to
But we’ll never know
Until she decides that is time for us to reunite
1.1k · Apr 2013
Is it a matter of destiny or fate?
Is it because the world made it this way?
Is this a consequence I deserve?
If we have old lives, am I paying for lost souls?
Why some people have it great and others don’t
The true mystery of life
Some people say you create your own fate
Is that the same for kids that grow up with aids?
The world is full of injustice
I thought you get what you give
But this feels unreal
Stop giving if you expect to get the same back
It won’t happen like that
Maybe someday we can learn to not expect
Everything and just be grateful for anything
But what do we have to grateful for?
A life we do not own?
That we didn’t ask for?
And we don’t know where it comes from?
1.0k · Feb 2013
Solo Existe
Cada dia mas, me siento mas lejos de mi misma
Ya no hay pasos adelante , sino pasos hacia tras
Solo hay piedras en mi camino, no hay espacios para caminar sin tropezar
Y dicen que lo que no te mata te hace mas fuerte, pues a mi me ha vuelto
mas debil, sintiendo como mi vida se me escapa de mis manos
ya no se que hacer para cambiar mi destino
Solo existen pocos momentos de alegria y paz
Solo existe soledad ,Solo existen pensamientos atormentadores
y mis replicas de angustia
Solo existen ellos, y yo dejo de existir cuando se apoderan de mi
y mi yo, se vuelve inexistente.
1.0k · Jan 2015
The Prison Of Life
Life begins to feel like a prison
Invisible bars of society and rules you can't trespass
Maybe death is freedom
Right now it all seems depressing
Work, health, love ,and stress
I remember the times when Simplicity ruled
I give you this , you give me that
There is no real human kind
You're not free to be who you wanna be
Just follow the trends and you'll see
How miserable you can be
In this world filled with greed.
Remember who you are in the midst of the everything
930 · Jul 2013
I feel like **** for ..
Wasting my time with you
For allowing you to make plans for two
For not knowing you were flawed
For thinking Its my fault
For waiting for the day
You'll come with your act straight
**** is what this is
And will always be
And no, I don't blame you for leaving
But I do hate my feelings.
892 · Feb 2013
Dias Como Tu
Dias en que no quiero escribir, no quiero pensar, no quiero vivir
Lo dificil es planear tu vida y que eso no llegue a ocurrir
Perder el control de ella
Quiero vivir a mi manera, imagino lo que quiera
Y que ganamos con esto? cumplir lo que queremos?
A veces todo es tan complejo.. Siempre me quejo
Si bailamos , reimos ,y lloramos ?
Cuando nada te da satisfación, y todo se vuelve monótono
Nacer de nuevo seria la solución?
Gente viene y va, solo quedan los momentos y la edad.
Pienso en el amor y si es una falsedad?
Porque sentirse tan vacio cuando alguno no esta?
Como hacer que te vuelva la bondad? la caridad ? la hermandad?
Si sólo el egoismo reina en nuestra sociedad.
Sonar cliche debe ser un delito, pero está tan arraigado en nosotros
que nos vuelve adictos al sin fin de comunes que vivimos..
859 · Jan 2013
Time passes and I look away at the life I should of lived
Age is not my friend and will always remind me its too late
I stand in the shadow of others living their dreams
And I hate myself for not trying hard enough
I feel like I'm not good enough
Everytime I try , I feel like I'm wasting precious time
But I also feel alive in this time wasted
I hope someday I could brainwash myself
So I would forget the day I realized I wanted to try
Since that day I've never been more unhappy
I gave up on the idea that you would take care
of this dream
I havent given up on you yet because I'm scared
Im afraid of you
828 · Oct 2013
Nadie quiere amar
Solo alejan la posibilidad de  
Pensar que es posible ser amado
Solo siento que me pierdo en mi
mundo de tristeza
Luchando por estar en paz
Nadie quiere , nadie viene, nadie vuelve
Y sera que soy yo quien repela al amor
Al vivir, al querer ser feliz?
Me falta completar en la vida
Andar con la frente en alto
y decir que no me importa con quien ando
Esperar que algun dia llegue ese momento
En el cual me sienta bien y no mal
Y dejar de esperar en que alguien va llegar
Que se quede y que se quede..
Y que no me deje ir jamas.
822 · Aug 2013
Bored Out Of My Mind
I seem to find nothing to do under the sun
That I don’t get tired from
I try to make it fun
But a boring activity always comes
That makes me feel empty and undone
Feeling like I don’t belong in this world
If happiness is a state of mind,
Why can I just leave all these feelings behind?
They haunt me night and day
I’m craving for a new beginning.
Could be in France or Egypt
Near a mountain or a beach
And maybe find someone to teach
So I can find peace in this tiny piece of earth
Or some kind of satisfaction
And a distraction from the problems of my life
Getting away from home
So I cant get rid of this Boredom
802 · Feb 2013
Will It Make Sense?
Maybe You see life as a test
I see it like a big mess
I remember every word you said
And still I cannot Forget
The way you made me feel
That day when I needed you there
And you ran away
I can't get over it cause I still feel rejected
since that day
I've been trying to make amends,
Trying to find some way to feel Okay
Like I belong somewhere,
Like I'm worthy again..
I don't have hepatitis or aids
but I feel like they
Maybe It's your fault, maybe Its mine
ALL I know is this trace of pain
that you left my way
Hopefully someday I look back and not
feel sad when I think about that day
The day you push me away..
I don't know what I did to deserve this misery
I hope that in the end it all makes sense
776 · Jul 2013
You play well, the instruments, my heart, the bells
You said you loved me, but
You never showed it, dear
Played the fool
Played me too
You even played with my friends,
They thought you were cool
Played a role, Leading Man
But you were also the Villain
Played Tricks on my mind
Love is blind?
Played me a song by Pink Floyd
But only for a while,
Then you retired.
736 · Sep 2013
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

Or is it getting surgery for when I’m older?

They say what matters it’s on the inside

But my friends only talk about breast size

And if it’s okay to wear my natural hairstyle

But they only criticize

I have flaws but if I show them, I got a problem

This need for perfection, Leaves me broken

Feeling bad for not being chosen

Because of my appeal, but some people out there

Don’t care.. Yes they do,

Everyone cares about little details like gray hair

Maybe someday I can be careless and free

And not worry about all these things..
705 · Jan 2013
I Don't Get It
We all want..
Someone that wants to spend time with you
To feel like you're someone worthy
It ***** to have to beg people to love you
To beg for attention, to expose yourself,to be open
So that someone might want to take a closer look
into your heart
The worst thing is, when you find that person
You also have to be careful not to show your
flaws, not to mess up or make them upset
'Cause they might just pack their bags and leave
at the first sight of thunderstorm
And people always say things like "your time will come"
Who decides when is it a better time?
And why do other people already have their time?
Why is love something to wait for?
Why cant I just go look for it, set it as a goal?
Why do we have to wait until someone wants to pursue you?
And find you interesting and deserving?
Why is your happiness in someone else's hand?
693 · Jan 2013
What It Is
I find myself wondering were I've gone
Its like I had a brain transplant
Who have I become?
All the stuff I used to worry about are nowhere found
My perception has blurred
And now I'm somewhere I don't Belong
But one thing is crystal clear
And from that I cant escape
From this longing inside my veins
That takes me to where I need to be
Imagining places I long to meet
Making my shadows become true beings
And in this place I see myself free
But I can only go there whenever I fall asleep
682 · Mar 2013
Loves Me Not
I keep telling myself I don't Love
I try to tell myself I don't care
Because the last time I tried, It hurt like hell
I feel like you don't love me, or love means
different things to everyone
But my idea of love is eternal, faithful,
caring and true, and I haven't found that in you
This just leaves me with a sour taste
A confusing waste of time,
Never knowing what truly means to be loved
I guess even when you say so, it feels like a lie
To me love is an action, a verb,
Not a word you throw out when you're bored
It feels like love doesn't exist anymore
645 · Jun 2013
I wanna **** myself maybe
For letting fear become my pride
For not cherishing every moment Im alive
I get upset with me maybe,
For not letting go of the past
For holding on to your memories
And to your goodbyes
I want to flee far from here
To a place I feel comfortable to be myself
Cause Everyday I feel my body decomposing
Cause I dont live up to my expectations
Its killing me inside
Like that time you didn't hold me when I cried.
639 · Feb 2013
Express In Words
Right now anything makes sense more than this
The leaves on our trees have lost their color
I don't feel the need for life anymore
All I feel is emptiness inside a tunnel of never ending sorrow
You should have never walked inside my house
Now, I cant keep you out
Your spirits haunt me down
I keep feeling like I need to keep you away
And I just don't know how to make you stay
You're such an important piece of my puzzle
All I want is to forget you ever happened
And forget about this pain you caused me
I cant understand you but I cant stop loving you
Someday when It all ends, I hope all I feel is sanity
I'm afraid of that , feeling okay cause I've felt bad
for so long, maybe I don't know what It feels to feel safe
613 · Apr 2021
Dear Sister
I forgive you for growing up and leaving me behind
For being so cool you dont wanna hang out
I want you to forgive me too for the times I've let you down
All the shows and the drunken times
You have this bad memory cause you wanna forget all the abuse you experienced as a child
The only reason you were born was to be my friend
I asked for a sister, I was all alone
I know we don't see eye to eye
But I wish you'd call me to say hi
Not because you need me like the other guy
I feel used sometimes
But I forgive you once more and remember you're not alone
I went through the same things you did
I have the same struggles, my dear.
608 · Jul 2013
The Story That I Never Told
I will never tell my kids about you
They will never know about that time we created a poem
They will never find out about
You caring about me for so long
I guess they wont ever hear about
The way you made me Feel
How we talked for hours every day
for years
No, they won't get to know that even
with your mistakes, I loved you to death
But that will never come to appear in books
or in Hymns
Cause It ended.. You never seemed to think
It was a Big deal
The love that only I feel
This connection that felt so real
That I thought was stronger than steel
But I was wrong
and They would never know..
590 · Oct 2018
All The Love In The World
All the love in the world
I give to you
You turn your heart away
You say no to my advances
and desperate pleas
I want to find love, but love
Doesnt want to find me
It breaks my heart that you dont feel the way I do
Im soaked in tears for you
I tell myself Im worthy of it all
But not worthy of you
This is my goodbye surprise
I hope you come back
But if you dont I'll move on
574 · Jul 2013
What's Wrong?
Why doesn't he want to get to know me?
Or at least tell me what wrong with me?
Instead of making me go insane
For not knowing who's to blame
And If you ask? they never tell
Whats going on inside their heads
I know I'm not perfect, I make my mistakes
Is it so hard to love me this way?
Heartbreak after heartbreak makes my heart quake
I don't wanna care, I just wanna know what the ****
Is going on with you today?
574 · Jan 2013
Deeper than the mountains
Deeper than the seas
Is this Hole that embraces my soul
Stronger than a tower
Bigger than the world
Is the faith I see in You
Anxious to get out, but eager to come in
Always trying to find a place in between
A place so safe, but wait thats not the way!
I see a mass of bliss coming towards me
Sensing my veins and feeling them near
what is this?
but wait thats not the way, get away!
Peace fills me now, sensing your every breath
coming closer each day
This is the way.. when I feel you near, and everything
else disappears
This is the way, the journey i should inhale
Show me the way, so I wont mistake the path you granted
upon my will
Show me once again, I've been blinded to your ways,
Shadows fill the space and I cant see your face
Hold this feeling so strong, grab it and all your senses will drown
To it, the feeling were I get lost in you.
Even In dark times, you can feel a light guiding you where you need to be.
572 · Jan 2015
Goodbye Memory
A sweet memory is all that's left
Of All those moments we spent
There won't be new memories
Cause You left It all to chance,
Never committing to our bond
Never thinking you did wrong
I won't wait for you no more
I'm tired of making sense
Of an image in my head
Thinking we were endless
Waiting for you to change
But you're always inside my head
And you never leave that way
Always thinking about when we meet again
And then you left with no goodbye
And I knew I was wrong
For letting you inside for too long
Goodbye memoir.
Sometimes people live inside your heart for too long, and they don't belong there .
563 · Aug 2013
Be that Man
You cheated, you lied, you mistreated,
You implied, you cared,
I believed you, I failed
I lied as well,
But I truly loved your heart
I fell in love with it at the park
when you held my hand,
And you were carved on my soul
with your whispers and your songs
You said they had my name
But all that went away,
Its so easy to say things,
But to actually do them, that's hard as hell
Your love is like a roller-coaster, you take me high
You pushed me down, without notice, without alarms
Please walk out the door, if you don't love me anymore
Or be the man you said you would, when I opened up for you.
555 · May 2014
Interrupted Life
Interrupted dreams and desires
By my daily routine
Interrupted breathing.
I can barely breathe
From the dust that surrounds me
From all the pain that caused me
This life interrupted
The things that make me happy.
Because I gotta do my laundry,
And pay bills , no other way to live
I cant even have a hobby
No energy or money
And again I cant breathe,
I got an allergic reaction from
Not pursing my dreams.
550 · Jan 2013
Security Alarm
I was looking forward to yesterday,
but you only give me this day
One day I made myself promise
I'll forget about today
But now the ghost of my past are here
Knocking at my door,
Should I let them in?
I find myself behind bars
Hidden in a secret room
Is It too late now?
But only time will tell
If I let myself open doors
Close or break them all
Install a security alarm
Or leave them wide open
How should I know?
545 · Jan 2021
Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety
I feel terribly wrong
The moon doesn't shine
the planets are not aligned
My stomach sinks and I can't control
my heartbeat
Overclouded and no rain
Just a bunch of flying mistakes
I can't stay still, my feet run when I sleep
Courageous, I've been called
But murmurs of weakness I hear
And I feel like death is near
where can I find peace?
Where the leaves are colored
And the sea is aqua blue and the sun's rays are sharp
This palace is my solitude
This feeling is my prison
I can't escape it nor calm it down
It's tied to my veins
538 · Sep 2015
Cree en ti
No creo en mi
No creo en nadie
Solo creo en no creer que puedo hacer
lo que quiero
No entiendes?
Yo tampoco quiero entender
Pues no tiene sentido creer
En la vida, o en algun ser
Adios, Que le vaya bien
Tampoco creo en el ayer
Espero que alguien me ayude a crecer
a vivir sin miedo , a desatar mis penas.
Siempre, siempre estas,
pero quien?
No hay nadie ahi,
524 · Sep 2014
Fall Asleep
I wake up to fall asleep
In a dream that I don't get to live
In A life, I wish I could sleep in
I work to live but I live at work
And That's my curse.
It consumes my energy , my life,
My soul
I hate coming home, always tired as ****
Not wanting to do anything at all
I wanna quit my job,
But I don't wanna be unemployed
God knows If I could
I'd do nothing at all
519 · Jan 2013
Lately,Ive been feeling like existence is overrated,
Like the leaves in the trees don't really matter,
And the sea are just liquids and water
Like this life doesn't make any sense
And the reason as to why we're here I can't explain
Maybe its just me that feels this way
No one questions as to why they're here in this place called earth?
But I wonder if there's something more?
I want to feel it was not a waste
Why this creator choose me to
Be here right now breathing air
And that is not just about grace
Someday maybe I'll understand all this nonsense
Right now, I just get all upset
Because everyday I know less
511 · Mar 2013
If I Push You Away
I wanna be with you but you're hard to reach
Its like you have so many things you wanna teach
And when I come closer to you
You push me away and never ask me to stay
I keep waiting for you to change
But you don't love me anyway
I was scared cause you were so great
But Its seems like I won't get you
And maybe I pushed you away everyday
But only cause I like you and I wanted to
spend time with you
But maybe someday I'll meet someone
Who won't run away , Even if I loved you instead.
510 · Mar 2013
Where Is Honesty?
Where is Honesty? Is so hard to find
So people say they look at you, but they seem blind
To your thoughts and feelings
We don't see eye to eye
Instead you go around life feeling like you wanna die
And you hope you'll meet someone and
They accept you as you are
And not be afraid to show your flaws
Instead society says you should sale yourself
like your a product to be bought
And you need to say the right things
So guys would wanna stick around
What have we become?
If not lonely fools afraid of whats to come
We should look inside ourselves
And try to find those old shelves
That carry our true beings
And expose them and be careless
If you accept me fine,
But if not , I could care less
504 · Feb 2013
Hate my life
Been stuck for years
In a place I don't belong
Never done anything of worth
To afraid to let go
Helping people
Never got me an award
Hate my job.
Hate myself for not taking a chance
For not leaving this place
For staying close to what
I hate the most
That made me into something
I don't even know
Hate the *******
Hate this feelings
Hate the lungs that I
breath in
Hate my world
Stuck in the past
Love lost
Where are you God?
I wish my heart wasn't crazy
I wish I never have babies
I wish me well but I never have health
I wish I believed in God again
I wish To go where no one could hear the
sound of my cry
I wish I didn't feel so alone
And sometimes I wish I could die
I wish I could close my heart forever
I wish I couldn't remember you ever
I only can wish for a better tomorrow
In the mindtime, I live with my sorrow
If you don't stay, know that I won't look your way
If you decide to leave, even if it tears me apart
I will believe again in someone else
If you let me go, I'll understand but I won't hold on
I'll erase you and replace you
If you think I'll run after you forget it, I wont chase you
If you find someone new, just remember I'll do that too
If later you come knocking at my door, you'll find an empty house and floors
If you come back, please take a few steps back and follow your other track
If you never leave me, We'll always stay together
even after hard weather
Ill always love you, Ill always be true
I'll show you what I can do for you
If you fight for me, I'll fight back for the only one
who showed me how to stick around.
461 · Mar 2013
Count The Days
Why Do I count the days that you ran away,
Did you know you took a piece of my heart?
Why do I remember your steps as if it was yesterday?
And years have passed away
I hated the last time, you had nothing to say
Not saying "I love you", instead "I'm doing great"
I don't understand this feeling you don't deserve
And you don't desire for me to demostrate
I don't get it but I still think about you
I know I could never be with you
But I can't help to think If she's with you
I opened up my heart and it felt like
It meant nothing and was worth nothing
Why can I just remember you like the thief
you are, instead I dream of you as the love I lost
And wanted with all my heart
Maybe, Im in love with my sorrow
with the could of's and the should of's
and never appreciate tomorrows
Maybe love is all part of a game,
We don't know we're being played until we've lost
Maybe, it was never meant to be
And I wish you never know this
that I cry for you, cause I can't forgive myself
for feeling this love that never existed in you
457 · Aug 2013
I remember you since my youth
I never thought you'll give me the blues
I always thought you had a plan
But It never became into something
Are you still in my heart?
Cause All I hear is Tan,Tan,Tan
So much pressure you made me feel
About **** that wasn't real, no big deal
I still don't get heaven or hell
I just wanna feel well
About my life and the future
I just want that peace you say you give
And I don't wanna go to church
Cause people don't care much
About none but themselves
They only dust their shelves
It isn't like the community back in the days
Were everyone shared
Now its just a club,
And they never give up
Insisting on you to go,
But I wanna stay home or sleep
On my day off
Which is Sunday,
No fun-day.
454 · Jan 2013
When And Why
Today equals no progress
When will my burdens disappear?
Or when will you make them less heavy?
Ok is wednesday, friday and maybe sunday
It comes and goes
Peace of mind is what I long for
The sky has lost Its color blue
Its now red
Why does It hurt when I know Its for the best?
or do I rejoice in my sufferings?
I push away the clouds of rain,
and when they're gone
I cry for them to come back again
Maybe I was born to hate,
To want the things I cannot change
Why dont I try hard enough for what I want?
Instead I settle for what I dont
I live this life feeling like i want to die
But at the same time afraid of death
I picked up a Bible today
A sign that i still got faith
Even when I thought I've lost it all
And a voice tells me that It wont help
But I cant seem to take my hands off of It.
454 · Jan 2016
Magic Trick
You come and go,
And put behind pieces of me I cannot find
You leave me stranded on this desert , you know the place
You take me there, I stay alone
But you return home
Then again, I find my way
Wondering where I put my medicine?
Can you explain the reasons why you left?
I don't even know If it's all true
If it's a dream, that's what It feels like when Im with you
You're like a magician, Pulling tricks that no one can see
Breaking people in two,
Escaping while you can
And It's all a game to you,
The way you appear and dissapear
Leaving no trace
Stop making ways into my heart
And make someone else the helper of your lies
That special way people appear into to your life, stir up your heart and then walk out.
448 · Feb 2013
And Here Once More
And here once more ,I find myself writing all this words
Complaining all my sorrows
They never leave me ,they never borrow
Someone else's time instead of mine
People wish me luck, that I've never had
Don't wish to find placebo for it neither
I just hope for a new day to begin
I'm sick of feeling a Deja Vu that never ends
It only revives again in my heart
No matter how well It starts
It all ends back to that lonely empty part
I can't run away from it
It's always hiding in the dark
I wish I promised myself to find a way out of this
To never come back
But I keep finding myself here again,
where all this suffering began
I never lied to you, I showed you my true self
I never covered up any skeletons
You said you love me, but you went away,
I don't blame you, I never asked you to stay
Did you ever wonder what It would do to me?
When you said you'd calm my fears,
I trusted you to be there for me
I wont betray you , if that's what you're afraid of
But you never gave me a chance to show you
what I'm made of
I guess all I'm saying is goodbye,
I remember all those things that you said
And I just wish you would explain
If you have someone else, I hope you're happy
And actually keep your promises
I wish you well, don't get me wrong,
But I would of liked to hear your honesty all along
Not some fairy tale story that didn't amount
to nothing at all
440 · Mar 2013
Where Is My Mind
Where is my mind? lost and behind
Stuck on this past that I cant unwind
With the sickness on my hands
And these lovers becoming predators
of a heart that's already ******
Where is my mind? sick of hurt, sick of lying
Waiting for a happiness expecting to be happening
With Lots of stories, full of glory but never coming true
Where is my mind? fighting these thoughts that tear me apart
in pieces, that make me cry, that make me feel dead inside
Where is my mind? trying not to become insane
with all this blame
with all the things that make me scared
when darkness comes It will all come back again
439 · Sep 2020
Heartbeat doesn't skip a beat
Remember I'm trying my best to not carry the weight
Don't think I don't care about your health
Please don't beat like the speed of light
I just wanna hide these feelings inside
I've been looking for help
Don't know what else to do
But please go back to your normal rhythm
I can't take it if you are not okay
I'll try to be calm and handle my thoughts
Ill the exercises like my doctor said
Please don't accelerate
This is not a race
I'm not in danger
I'm just stressed.
If you suffer from anxiety, you will understand how hard it is to keep your heart beating the right way and how scary it is when its not.
433 · Apr 2013
When you are a kid you never realized the effect your parents have on you
It’s like you’re a reflection of whatever they did
If they succeed, you feel like you have to follow the lead
Is like a curse that you carry on with you until you die
Always wondering why you couldn’t deny those feelings inside
That someday you’ll be like your mom or like your dad
In some cases you don’t want that to be right
You want to change the way they see life
And whatever mistake they did, somehow promise
Yourself you’ll survive
You don’t want to leave them; you don’t want them to die...
But that’s the course of life
You’re afraid of letting them down
Always wanting to please them, so they feel proud
They don’t know how much pressure you feel
Even if it isn’t real
Sometimes you think about your dreams
And if they would agree
They don’t you’re afraid they wont love you anymore
We only wish they’d be happy for us, no matter what road we chose
424 · May 2023
I fail
I feel like I fail all the time in life
My relationships dont work
My agenda wont get full
I am just a joke
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