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 Jul 2014 Karena E Cash
One day happened to change my life.
Tomorrow is also a hassle, however.
But what about three days from now?
Or even 4 seconds, minutes, hours.
It took you 5 seconds to say good bye, and by the time 6 seconds were up, you were completely gone.
Now 7 months have passed, you barely made a single call.
8...9...10 pills. At least that's all I remember taking. It was a dead night on the 11th month of the year. I thought it was going to be literal.
12 minutes had passed before I started to really blackout.
And by the 13th, I was knocked out.
Someone had then found me. My mother. "This shouldn't have to happen to my baby girl" she cried.
14. The age that began my depression. I moved a lot during that age.
14 then turned to 15. Things still weren't any better.
Now comes the big 16. The time were I can taste more freedom.
At least I thought I did.
But not quite.
16 is also the time this all happened.
A sweet sixteen soon turned into a damnation.
A father left her little girl when she needed him most.
I just wanted to vent + sorry if this doesn't make a ton of sense.~
 Jul 2014 Karena E Cash
thousands of kids enter the school
I crouch in the corner, trapped
my limbs shake and my heart races

my mom wants to buy a new purse
I shrink away, run to the door
my legs wont move but my mind runs

my best friend didn't call me back
does she need help? does she hate me?
my last meal is being flushed away

*Generalized Anxiety
i dont talk about my anxiety much
"Hello, remember me?"
Her anxiety says to her every single day.

"Hello, remember me?"
There it is again. It is an unwanted guest that always seems to come up at the worst times.

It is like a bug.
An infestation deep inside her, with no way out and it controls her each an every day.

It controls her..
every thought she think..
every word she says..

But more importantly,
it controls every thought she DOESN'T think
and every word she DOESN'T say.

It keeps her from things, not even giving her the option to choose for herself.
Someone just said something about me,
It’s starting to drive me crazy,
Oh please don’t make it start again,
This isn’t a feeling that can be supported by any men,

My thoughts are beginning to race,
At much too fast of a pace,
I keep trying to make it stop,
I can already feel myself drop,

It’s called anxiety,
Oh there goes gravity,
Here comes insanity,
And everyone’s pity,

I’m starting to lose control,
I can’t feel myself as a whole,
I need help,
I need help,

Here we go again,
I can’t wait for,
The moment when,
My head stops its own war,

It’s called anxiety,
It’s not ending anytime now,
It’s being juged in our society,
It’s not something we should allow,

It’s called anxiety,
Oh there goes gravity,
Here comes insanity,
And everyone’s pity
 Jul 2014 Karena E Cash
 Jul 2014 Karena E Cash
Counting calories, telling lies
She'll keep this up until she dies.
Empty eyes, empty stomach, empty heart, empty mind;
What I've become is enough to drive myself mad
Empty, empty, empty. I'm nothing but sad.
So here it is girls, the rumors were true
I try so hard to be as skinny as you.
A monster, A *******, empty, empty girl;
I'm killing myself with my poor mental health.
Starving for beauty, beauty is pain
My head hurts so bad, I'm going insane.
Clutching my ribs, my thighs caving in
They were right--
Anorexia wins.
 Jul 2014 Karena E Cash
I wish I ran
 until I could run no longer
until I was a starved little muscle
& everyone wanted
my picture
 Jul 2014 Karena E Cash
Star Girl
I try so hard to be better but
I can't seem to break the
vicious cycle that
wraps me up, reels me in, and
uses me
You look beautiful today.

2. Thank you for being my friend. I have no idea what I would do without you.

3. You really shouldn't joke like that. Since when are racist jokes, jokes about eating disorders, learning disorders, and physical or mental disorders funny?

4. Tell me about yourself. Not just the warm fuzzy stuff. Tell me about the first time you fell off your bike, how you can’t listen to that one song because the memories are just too much, that you still check under your bed at night for monsters.

5. Ma’am, I noticed that you were crying. I just wanted to say that I’m praying for you.

6. I know you’re leaving soon. Thank you for showing me so much I wouldn't have known otherwise. I've had the time of my life. I’m going to miss you. A lot.

7. Look, you really shouldn't tease like that. I know you’re trying to be funny, but you’re just being a bully.

8. I love you so much.

9. If you need to talk about anything, I’m here.

10. I wish I had said nothing, because sometimes silence says more than words.
They say that eating disorders come from
Competitive families,
Feelings of no control,
Feeling worthless,
Feeling fat,

They say that eating disorders are

I say it is all true.
I'm always on the verge.
The only reason I don't have one yet
Is because I care for
Nudiustertian Definition: Pertaining to the day before yesterday.
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