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 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
Because I've seen the stars
I've read the signs
I've watched the clouds cast shadows
I've listened to the spirits

And I know I can't be wrong
I still remember
when you crawled inside
my chest and carved
your name inside my heart;
because every time
it beats, and I can
hear it in my ears,
it sounds like you.
Tears, it makes no harms
Somehow, tears brought at ease
By tears shed a calm
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
Jamie G
She tried her best not to leave
In the end, she cannot leave
But she is constantly left.
Resonate in my breast bone
My ribs cage my heavy heart
As the strings play a soft song
A song only for us to hear
We sing along
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
There was an odd shift in the air that morning when you called me so early.
I couldn't tell if it was sadness or defeat or even a slight twang of happiness in your soft voice.
And I couldn't quite make out the words you were saying as you spoke so fast and yet so dreamily.

I heard you say you were sorry. I heard you say you loved me. I heard you say it was time.
And then I heard the phone go silent.

I ran.
I ran through the ice and the winter breeze.
I walked.
I walked up the drive way into the open door.
I sat.
I sat down next to your already cold body.
And I cried.
I cried because "you" were me and I was gone... So what else could I do but cry?

Do you know what suicide makes you think about?
It made me wonder if the pain could have gone away.
It made me wonder why that day was the day.
It made me wonder what inside me got so hard I couldn't face another single day living in this toxic world.

I love you.
I miss you.
I'm so sorry.
** lost someone I once considered a friend but of course time and growing up makes you move on and grow apart. They say the good die young... I hope if there is an afterlife she is somewhere amazing with her art and her talent and I hope she is no longer suffering... RIP. **
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